MISR: Where on Earth… ?

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MISR: Where on Earth… ?

Post by bystander » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:57 pm

Where on Earth… ? MISR Mystery Image Quiz #25
NASA Earth Observatory | MISR | 2011 July 28
Welcome back to another chance to play geographical detective!

This image was taken by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), and represents an area of about 262 kilometers by 200 kilometers. Please note that due North may not be at the top of the page. These questions refer to a landmark, area or province within the pictured region. Please answer the questions below and tell us where on Earth you think the location is. You may use any reference materials you like to answer the quiz. (Acquired: July 4, 2011)

From the statements below, please indicate which are TRUE and which are FALSE.
  1. Located within the lower third of the image is a dramatic landmark that has lain dormant for thousands of years.
  2. The southwest part of the region pictured overlooks a capital city.
  3. This area was once rich in biodiversity. However, urbanization over the past several decades has reduced the wealth of flora and fauna in the region by nearly 30 percent.
  4. One of the seven natural wonders of the world lies to the northeast of this region, less than a week away by car.
  5. The highest point in this region, located near the peninsula shown in the image, was first successfully climbed in the 16th century, according to records.
  6. The country in which this region is located is home to one of the world’s largest (by volume) rivers.
  7. On the west coast of the region pictured lies a World Heritage Site surrounded by water.
What location is shown in this image?

Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL, MISR Team
Text acknowledgement: Amber Jenkins and Karen Yuen, JPL

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MISR: Where on Earth… ?

Post by bystander » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:08 am

Where on Earth… ? MISR Mystery Image Quiz #26
NASA Earth Observatory | MISR | 2011 Nov 02
Welcome back for another chance to play geographical detective!

This image was taken by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) on the Terra satellite. The image shows an area of about 238 kilometers by 223 kilometers, with north at the top. Please answer the true or false statements about a country within the image, and then tell us where on Earth you think the location is. You may use any reference materials you need to answer the quiz.

  1. From the statements below, please indicate which are TRUE and which are FALSE.
    1. The small island off the coastal inlet in the lower left corner is dominated by mangrove swamps, and is a sanctuary to protected sea birds. Parts of the island are off-limits for visitors.
    2. Settlers were, perhaps, over-optimistic in their naming policy of this country.
    3. The body of water shown on the right of the image is shallow and situated on a single plate, and it is known for its tranquil calm waters and geologic inactivity.
    4. The streams and rivers of this country used to be home to a sacred reptile, which has since gone extinct.
    5. For centuries, coastal farmers used a powerful fertilizer that they found covering the rocks on the tip of this peninsula during the dry season—thus giving this area its descriptive name.
    6. This animal, which can be found in the national park located just below the bottom right of the image, comes down from its perch twice a day to feed its young.
  2. What country is shown in this image?
Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL, MISR Team
Text acknowledgement: Amber Jenkins and Karen Yuen, JPL
Know the quiet place within your heart and touch the rainbow of possibility; be
alive to the gentle breeze of communication, and please stop being such a jerk.
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MISR: Where on Earth… ?

Post by bystander » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:18 am

Where on Earth...? MISR Mystery Image Quiz #27
NASA Earth Observatory | MISR | 2012 Feb 08
Here’s another chance to play geographical detective!

The image above was taken by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) on NASA’s Terra satellite. It shows an area about 327 kilometers wide by 375 kilometers high, and geographic north is not necessarily at the top of the page.

The questions below refer to a country that fills most of the area in the image. Please answer the questions and then tell us the location shown. You may use any reference materials you need to answer the quiz.

  1. Within this country lies a picturesque desert, located at the bottom right of the image. This desert was home to a group of enigmatic ancient people who were known for their skill and resourcefulness. Their capital is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Name the desert and the given name of the people.
  2. The wavy lines that cross the middle of the image are natural geologic features that often carry descriptive names of their location. What is the native word used to accurately describe these features?
  3. The name of the body of water at the bottom of the image is actually a misnomer. The nearby hills that protect the landscape from weather fronts also enable a “rain shadow,” thus contributing to the surrounding aridity. What is the name of the body of water?
  4. At the bottom left, small city developments are visible. One of those cities came was developed at the beginning of the 20th century. It now accounts for 50 percent of the industrial output of the country. Name the city.
  5. The landscape dominating most of the image is an extension of a much larger, natural feature. This feature is home to a very limited floristic diversity and to a number of critical and endangered species—though there are no formally protected areas. Name this feature.
  6. Name the country that fills most of the area in this Image.
Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL, MISR Team
Text acknowledgement: Amber Jenkins and Karen Yuen, JPL
Know the quiet place within your heart and touch the rainbow of possibility; be
alive to the gentle breeze of communication, and please stop being such a jerk.
— Garrison Keillor

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