Tomorrow mornings lunar eclipse (16/06/2011 in Oz)

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Tomorrow mornings lunar eclipse (16/06/2011 in Oz)

Post by Analog6 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:38 pm

I am going to try a time lapse shoot of the eclipse in the morning to see if I can do one of those Time lapse videos. I have been inspired by the videos of Terje Sørgjerd ( There's a link to his Vimeo on my blog.

I will go just up the road where there are nice mountain silhouettes for a backdrop. I can take the van and sit in comfort with thermos of hot coffee and laptop. If anyone wants to join me email me BEFORE 6pm tonight – it will be early dinner and bed. My H2 lets me set it up for interval timing with up to 255 exposures. I’m going to do a ‘test run’ at moonrise tonight (I can set it up on my verandah facing east). I thought I would make it Aperture priority on f8, ISO will be 100 or 200 (it’s a noisy bugger), and manual focus of course. I can choose Number of exposures, from 2 – 255; and Interval duration, from 1 second – 24 hours. 30 secs was suggested on IceinSpace which probably sounds about right.

Hopefully I will have beautiful results to display for you tomorrow – my fingers and toes are firmly crossed!

Suggestions on exposure/number of shots/etc welcomed!

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