Giordano Bruno wrote:We do see stars ...
Remember Apollo 11 Post flight Press Conference : " We have not seen any star ... "
Never too late to replace an old lie belief by truth and evidence
Let's have together a good day
Presumably you mean that because we could see no stars in the Apollo photos of the astronauts on the Moon, those pictures must have been faked.
OK, Giordano Bruno. The pictures of astronauts on the Moon were daylight photos, which means that the astronauts were out on the Moon while the Sun was up. Here is a daylight photo of the Earth. Can you see any stars here?
See any stars? No?
This is a photo of the Earth at night. The Moon is up, but the Sun is down. Can you see any stars?
Yes, look carefully, and you can see the constellation Scorpius to the left of the Moon.
Ah, but now you object, perhaps, that the daylight sky of the Moon is different from the daylight sky of the Earth. The daylight sky of the Earth is bright, but the daylight sky of the Moon is always black. So we ought to see the stars in that blackness. Right?
Wrong. Because the Sun is always right there in the daylight sky of the Moon. The Sun is right there - and it is
brighter than it is on the Earth, precisely because the sky of the Moon is black. When you try to look at the stars in the blackness of the daylight sky of the Moon, you are always looking more or less straight at the blinding Sun. Do you think you'll see any stars?
See any stars? No?
Lesson number one, Giordano Bruno. When the Sun is up in the sky, you don't see any stars.
So why are there stars in today's APOD? Why, because Endeavour has just flown into the Earth's shadow. The Sun is behind us. It is night. Look at the dark face of the Earth. It is night. We are not looking at the Sun.
And that's why we can see the stars.