More dwarfs than Snow White

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More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by dougettinger » Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:51 am

Do astronomers have more types of dwarfs than Snow White ? Whose dwarfs can you more easily remember ?
Doug Ettinger
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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by Ann » Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:42 am

dougettinger wrote:Do astronomers have more types of dwarfs than Snow White ? Whose dwarfs can you more easily remember ?
Hah! Well, I guess that the established stellar dwarfs in the world of astronomy are the following:

O-type dwarfs = stars more massive than about 10 solar masses that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores.
B-type dwarfs =stars betweem about 3 and 10 solar masses that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores.
A-type dwarfs = stars between about 1.5 to 3 solar masses that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores.
F-type dwarfs: stars between a little more than 1 and about 1.5 solar masses that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores.
G-type dwarfs: stars a bit less and a bit more than one solar mass that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores.
K-type dwarfs: = stars between, say, 0.6 and 0.9 solar masses that still burn hydrogen to helium in their cores (and virtually all of them do).
M-type dwarfs: = star between, say, 0.1 and 0.6 solar masses that burn hydrogen to heilum in their cores (all of them do).

There are also established "color type dwarfs", namely the following:

Yellow dwarfs: = G-type dwarfs.
Red dwarfs: M-type dwarfs. Sometimes K type dwarfs are included here.
Brown dwarfs: "Failed stars" that contain too little mass to get hydrogen fusion started in their cores. But they are not planets, since they are many times heavier than Jupiter, and they shine weakly in the red part of the spectrum when they are young.

There is also the "odd man out":

White dwarfs: Degenerate stars, the burnt-out cores of stars that have used up the hydrogen in their cores and then started other fusion processes that made the star sufficiently unstable that it eventually cast off all of its atmosphere. The white dwarfs can contain no more mass than 1.4 solar masses, or else they must collapse further to become neutron stars.

You are right, Doug. Astronomy does have more types of dwarfs than Snow White.

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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by Ann » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:34 am

But wait, there are a few more! Or at the very least, two more!

Orange dwarf = K type dwarf. But, as Wikipedia ( points out, the term exists and is established, but is rarely used:
A K-type main-sequence star (K V), rarely also referred to orange dwarf, are main-sequence (hydrogen-burning) stars of spectral type K and luminosity class V
There are also, at least in theory, the black dwarfs. Wikipedia ( says:
A black dwarf is a hypothetical stellar remnant, created when a white dwarf becomes sufficiently cool to no longer emit significant heat or light. Since the time required for a white dwarf to reach this state is calculated to be longer than the current age of the universe of 13.7 billion years, no black dwarfs are expected to exist in the universe yet, and the temperature of the coolest white dwarfs is one observational limit on the age of the universe.
What about blue dwarfs? Well, I'd say that the term barely exists. When I googled "orange dwarf" and "black dwarf" I got substantial Wikipedia articles, but when I googled "blue dwarf" I just got this:

So I think we can safely say that there are not really any "blue dwarfs" in the heavens, at least as far as established astronomical wisdom is concerned!

By the way, you may want to check out this page about stellar luminosity classes. All stars that fuse hydrogen to helium in their cores are said to belong to luminosity class V, although that means extremely different things for an O-type dwarf and an M-type dwarf!

Finally, here's a true blue dwarf bringing flowers!


Last edited by Ann on Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by neufer » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:03 am

dougettinger wrote:
Do astronomers have more types of dwarfs than Snow White ? Whose dwarfs can you more easily remember ? wrote:
<<Walt Disney had suggested from the beginning that each of the dwarfs, whose names and personalities are not stated in the original fairy tale, could have individual personalities. The dwarfs names were chosen from a pool of about fifty potentials, including Jumpy, Deafy, Dizzey, Hickey, Wheezy, Baldy, Gabby, Nifty, Sniffy, Lazy, Puffy, Stuffy, Tubby, Shorty and Burpy. The leader of the dwarfs, required to be pompous, self important and bumbling, was named Doc; others were named for their distinguishing character traits. At the end of the October story meetings, however, only Doc, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy and Happy of the final seven were named; at this point, Sneezy and Dopey were replaced by 'Jumpy' and an unnamed seventh dwarf.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by dougettinger » Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:17 pm

Ann hit the head of the nail. Yes, astronomers do have more types of dwarfs than Snow White.

When I recently learned that all main sequence stars are labeled dwarfs until they leave the main sequence I was in awe. I am sure I read that little known fact before, but this ignominious fact went through my brain and out the other side like a neutrino. It came to great surprise that a white dwarf can either be a massive O or B type star or an electron degenerate star. In fact, the whole idea that all the main sequence stars are termed dwarfs is ridiculous. To be consistent red giants should be called old, fat dwarfs and degenerate stars should be called shrivelled dwarfs. Then all stars could be classified as either regular dwarfs(RDs), old/fat dwarfs (OFD's), shrivelled dwarfs(SD's, or tiny dwarfs(TD's). Since many astronomers have such big heads, this would be quite fitting.

This whole idea of dwarfs in astronomy is politically incorrect. Dwarfs today really refers to a genetic condition of dwarfism relating to that part of humanity that is unusually short and whose limbs are disproportionately smaller than the rest of his body.
In fact, Walt Disney was politically incorrect but got away with it. Science should not be calling attention to these unfortunate people by referring them to puny stars that I now learn are not so puny.

A committee of so-called wise astronomers convened to decide the fate of the new Thclassification of celestial bodies in our solar system. I believe they have more important considerations about re-classifying the stars than demoting our little Pluto. This committee definitely has their heads up their ass. If you know anyone on this committee please pass this diatribe to them. I wish no more to read articles about white dwarfs until this matter is fixed.

Thanks again to Ann for that outline setting me straight. And thanks to Art, for making me realize that I may have not remembered all of Snow Whites's dwarfs.
Doug Ettinger
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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by neufer » Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:36 pm

dougettinger wrote:
This whole idea of dwarfs in astronomy is politically incorrect. Dwarfs today really refers to a genetic condition of dwarfism relating to that part of humanity that is unusually short and whose limbs are disproportionately smaller than the rest of his body. In fact, Walt Disney was politically incorrect but got away with it. Science should not be calling attention to these unfortunate people by referring them to puny stars that I now learn are not so puny.
Unfortunate people?

"a puny subject strikes at thy great glory." - King Richard II Act 3, Scene 2
    • The Station Agent (2003)
    Finbar McBride: I'm retired, actually.

    Emily: Aren't you a little young to be retired?

    Finbar McBride: No, dwarves retire early. Common fact.

    Emily: Yeah, *lazy* dwarves. wrote:
<<Dwarfism is short stature which can be caused by about 200 distinct medical conditions.

The terms "dwarf", "little person", "LP", and "person of short stature" are now
generally considered acceptable by most people affected by these disorders. Artistic representations of dwarfism can be found on Greek vases and other ancient artifacts, including ancient Egyptian art in which dwarfs are likely to have been seen as a divine manifestation, with records indicating they could reach high positions in society. The Bhagavat Purana Hindu text devotes nine chapters to the adventures of Vamana, a dwarf avatar of Vishnu.

Depiction of dwarfs is also found in European paintings and many illustrations. Many European paintings (especially Spanish) of the 16th–19th centuries depict dwarfs by themselves or with others. In the Talmud, it is said that the second born son of the Egyptian Pharaoh of the Bible was a dwarf. Recent scholarship has suggested that ancient Egyptians held dwarfs in high esteem. Several important mythological figures of the North American Wyandot nation are portrayed as dwarfs. Dwarfism is depicted in many books, films, and TV series such as Austin Powers, Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Little People Big World, The Little Couple, Harry Potter, Seinfeld, In Bruges, The Tin Drum by Günter Grass, and the film The Station Agent.

The noun dwarf stems from Old English dweorg, originally referring to a being from Germanic mythology—a dwarf—that dwells in mountains and in the earth, and is associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. The etymology of the word dwarf is contested, and scholars have proposed varying theories about the origins of the being, including that dwarfs may have originated as nature spirits or as beings associated with death, or as a mixture of concepts. Competing etymologies include a basis in the Indo-European root *dheur- (meaning 'damage'), the Indo-European root *dhreugh (whence modern German traum 'dream' and trug 'deception'), and comparisons have been made with the Old Indian dhvaras (a type of demonic being).>> wrote: <<Charles Proteus Steinmetz (April 9, 1865 – October 26, 1923) was a German-American mathematician and electrical engineer. He fostered the development of alternating current that made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the United States, formulating mathematical theories for engineers. He made ground-breaking discoveries in the understanding of hysteresis that enabled engineers to design better electric motors for use in industry.

Steinmetz was born as Carl August Rudolph Steinmetz to Carl Heinrich Steinmetz in Breslau, Province of Silesia. Steinmetz suffered from dwarfism, hunchback, and hip dysplasia, as did his father and grandfather. Steinmetz attended Johannes Gymnasium and astonished his teachers with his proficiency in mathematics and physics.

Following the Gymnasium Steinmetz went on to the University of Breslau to begin work on his undergraduate degree in 1883. He was on the verge of finishing his Doctorate in 1888 when he came under investigation by the German police for activities on behalf of a socialist university group and articles he had written for a local socialist newspaper. Steinmetz fled to Zürich in 1888 to escape possible arrest. Faced with an expiring visa, he emigrated to the United States in 1889.

Shortly after arriving in the US, Steinmetz went to work for Rudolf Eickemeyer in Yonkers, New York, and published in the field of magnetic hysteresis. Eickemeyer's firm developed transformers for use in the transmission of electrical power among many other mechanical and electrical devices. In 1893 Eickemeyer's company, along with all of his patents and designs, was bought by the newly formed General Electric Company.

One of Steinmetz's great research projects was centered with the phenomena of lightning. He undertook a systematic study of it, resulting in experiments of man-made lightning in the laboratory; this work was published. Steinmetz was called the "forger of thunderbolts", being the first to create artificial lightning in his GE football field-sized laboratory and high towers, using 120,000 volt generators. He erected a lightning tower to attract lightning and studied the patterns and effects of lightning hits on tree bark and in a broken mirror—resulting in several theories and ideas (like the effect of lightning on plant growth and ac electric poles).

Steinmetz served as president of the Board of Education of Schenectady, and as president of the Schenectady city council. He was president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) from 1901 to 1902. Steinmetz wrote 13 books and 60 articles, not all about science.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by dougettinger » Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:32 pm

I have no prejudice against dwarfism, giantism, homosexuality, skin color, etc. Genetics is what it is. For myself I have no concerns about being politically correct. Being politically correct is actually a nasty joke played on American society by our politicians.

But returning to stars, those in the sky, do you have any personal opinion about calling all of them dwarfs except for the giants and the black holes. And what do you think about calling the most massive stars and the one of the least massive by the same "dwarf" nomenclature ?

Anyway, your Steinmetz story brought a question to mind. Who is given credit for inventing and applying AC current ? Was it Tesla or Steinmetz ? Maybe Edison did not listen to Steinmetz initially because he was a dwarf. I am just speculating.
Doug Ettinger
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Re: More dwarfs than Snow White

Post by dougettinger » Thu May 05, 2011 1:26 pm

I wish to place closure on this topic. After further research and as Ann had mentioned, I discovered that Wikipedia does now also refer to white dwarf stars as "degenerate dwarfs". Dissappointingly, the Wikipedia continued to use "white dwarfs" in their descriptive article.

Also, under "Main Sequence" in Wikipedia, which I had never read previously, the following accounts are posted which I quote below.
"Main-sequence stars are called dwarf stars, but this terminology is partly historical and can be somewhat confusing. For the cooler stars, dwarfs such as red dwarfs, orange dwarfs, and yellow dwarfs are indeed much smaller and dimmer than other stars of those colors."

"The common use of dwarf to mean main sequence is confusing in another way, because there are dwarf stars which are not main-sequence stars." _ _ _ such as white dwarfs (degenerate stars) and subdwarfs.

I can now confess that I am almost as intelligent as Snow White by knowing all my dwarfs. There is no question here for response.
Doug Ettinger
Pittsburgh, PA

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