APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

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Zlatoděj J.T

Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Zlatoděj J.T » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:20 pm

To co predstavuje publikovany obrazek, je velice jednoduche. V knize atalante fugiens od Michaela Maiera je obrazek kde mudrc rysuje na zed geometricke obrazce.Pod tim je napsano : Učin kruh z muze a zeny,z toho ctverec,z nej trojuhelnik,udelej kruh a mas Kamen Mudrcu. Tak prave tuhle geometrii vyjadruje vas publikovany obrazek. (obrazek = geometricke vyjadreni kamene mudrcu.) Vice info web: Voynich manuscript strana 67 r 1.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by owlice » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:34 pm

In other words:
Google translator wrote:This is what constitutes the published picture, is very simple. In the book Atalante fugiens from Michael Maier is a picture emerges where the sage on the wall of geometric shapes. Underneath it is written: He shall do the circle of men and women of the square, most of the triangle, make a circle and the Sorcerer masses. So this particular geometry expresses the picture you published. (Picture = geometric expression of the philosopher's stone.) Website More info: Voynich manuscript page 67 of the first r
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zlatoděj J.T.

Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by zlatoděj J.T. » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:49 pm

The picture shows. Philosopher's Stone. ( Instructions from the booc Atalante Fugiens = Make a cirkle of men and women. From this square. From this triangle. Make a circle. Result = Philosopher's Stone.). (( Decryption directions = Begin to emerge from the back, opposite end !!!)). // circle 1 times. triangle 2 times. square 3 times. circle 1 times.( more than 12 vertices). The picture shows = Earth. (philosopher's stone). Podle obrázku se vypočítá velikost naší Země.

According to the figure calculated by the size of our Earth

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by re: voynich » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:22 pm

an heretical (non-god centric and instead solar centric) theoretical
description of the action of power transmission from the sun to the earth.

the perspective is earth centric, the power transmitter (the sun) is always
switched "on" but an "off switch" effect occurs when the earth turns away
and night falls.

so for example when we look at the image appearing on the apod page
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100131.html we see an image that has the
sun at centre and around it 24 divisions (12 of light and 12 of dark),
representing hours of night and day.

these are (what i assume) the basic energetic states (opposites in effect)
which the manuscript relies upon to theoretically describe "cause and
effect" on earth over time.

its also similar to the concept in astrology, although in that case we would
have to consider it at best as being a type of signalling, whereas with the
sun? aren't we back on firm ground thinking its the prime mover in
whatever we can imagine about quick occuring surface energetic reactions
like photosynthesis/seasonal growth cycles?

we're not too concerned about latent energy of the system or bodies, just
how we get "day to day transmission" and what it is about the
characteristics of the system that causes variation, which i think is also
another aspect of this work.

subcycles due to the influence of the phases of the moon give us these
variations and we see these described on a day to day basis later in the
manuscript when we see charts for the months that have day significators
that are either male or female (opposites again) but the monotone frquency
of male/female/male female etc is broken and shows coded? variation.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by re: voynich » Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:43 am

the last post was actually a "shooting from the hip" from memory

i've thought a little more about it and think that the aforementioned
description is only part of the answer.


here's a possible (fuller) answer or way of thinking about this

someone was tasked with explaining the commonly held astrological
belief system that "a person is born on a particular day and is said
to have a unique character according to said time point".
actually the question may have been more wholistic, asking also
about the transferral/creation of life/intelligence (as it relates to
humans). or in other words

"how is a unique soul formed and given life?"

it may have been a rich patroness that asked the question and who
also wouldn't have been offended by so many illustrations of au
natural women as symbols of generative elements but perhaps be
instead keen for the artisan to get down to the nitty gritty.

for example if we look at page 1006209 we see a group of girls
(eggs?) that have a symbolic manifestation over them of the
opposite aspects of negative and positive, showing (conceptually)
the point or way in which positive or negative character traits are
fed to them.

and on page 1006213 we may be seeing an image of the womb and
fallopian tubes.

1006214 egg production?

1006215 collected and waiting?
anyway, part of the answer (to the creation of a soul?)

(ie: the impartation of character or the supposed rules that govern
its creation)

...required proof of a controlling principle that could be shown to
exhibit effects exactly according to the rules attributed to the
commonly believed astrological system, that being that there would
be a unique qualitative state to each separate(ly experienced) day.
this is shown by way of proof that light imparts a force (on a day to
day basis) that controls growth (of eg: plants).

and is itself an effect that varies due to the combination of the
seasons and the phases of the moon, therefore apparently giving us
calculable day by day variation.

all the varied illustrations of plants perhaps serve as exhibits of
"perfect diversity" within the system, that all forms benefit from the
energy donated by the sun.

i think this "over the top effort" by the author to demonstrate the
diversity of form in plants is to help hammer home the point that all
physical forms are "perfect under the sun". and that we should
therefore not be surprised by any variation in (eg) human offspring,
since life is marked by diversity.

also later, the artisan perhaps attempts to relate the commonality of
action and function of the physical structures of plants and gestative

so, going through the manuscript? and looking at the pictures?

the first thing we see is a small illustration that looks like a bird
feeding its young (dropping a worm into a mouth?). it possibly might
instead show a "bird flying the coop".

following this we have pages of plant illustrations

an image that either represents the 4 seasons, or the quadrate
aspect of the seasons and phases of the moon.

at the bottom of page
we see an image of a reclining woman with a few variegated things
near her, which i assume refer to multiple external aspects involved
in conception.

2 pages that illustrate the sun, moon and states (or phases) of light
and dark.

left page appears to have relevence to plant growth according to
season or phase?
right page image has 17 divisions and may relate to a lunar/solar
cycle in years?

puts the sun and moon into context as being similar to other bodies
of light observable in the sky
the far right image may show real groupings of stars in the sky.

3 illustrations that possibly show concepts of "source", "transmission", "light/dark", "phases".

subdivisions of phases

perhaps a description of the omnidirectional emission of radiation from the sun

1006200 onwards
charts showing "unique days" caused by solar/lunar phase cycles.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by alter-ego » Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:46 am

Wherever he is now, Voynich must really enjoying our attempts to explain his thoughts and manuscript. This has come up before, and I'm sure it will come up again.
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by bystander » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:10 pm

This is an English only board. Please read the rules before posting. 3 non-English posts removed.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by emc » Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:07 pm

There are tools on the internet for translating some languages to English and vice versa.
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by jaya » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:29 pm

I find it really hard to believe that with today's linguists nobody can recognize the text and translate it. How could a written language of only 500 years ago be now lost? The writing looks vaguely like the scripts I saw in Burma during the tour I was on for the 1988 solar eclipse.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by neufer » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:01 pm

jaya wrote:
I find it really hard to believe that with today's linguists nobody can recognize the text and translate it. How could a written language of only 500 years ago be now lost? The writing looks vaguely like the scripts I saw in Burma during the tour I was on for the 1988 solar eclipse.
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by stevetakajo » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:42 am

If its from the fifteenth century, than they should try going at it from different angles. Individuals presently did loopy stuff to hide their ideas and what not in order that other people wouldn't steal them. Sorta like da Vinci but he came later on. And when i mentioned different angles earlier, i meant literally. They should strive using mirrors and stuff to see if its a type of a known language that is simply upside down and backwards or something. i am in all probability completely flawed however its value a shot i guess. This may be some hoax... however we might by no means know.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by stevetakajo » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:47 am

The textual content appears to have been set down in a 15th century western European cursive script. The language itself has elements in widespread with medieval Germanic languages. It might be troublesome and perhaps a bit daring to substantiate any further claims concerning the nature of this MS.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Zlatoděj » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:50 am

The manuscript can not be translated into English. I deciphered the Voynich manuscript. The manuscript is the alchemical work, and wrote him, Czech 15 th century alchemist John of Lazy. I have compiled 50 pages. ( I translated 50 pages). The manuscript is wel aliwe ,,gold mud,,!! Picture of the audience,is the geometrie expression of the philosopher's stone. :D

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Guardian » Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:47 pm

I have read 1434 by Gavin Menses If we take the translation by Zbigniew Banasik to be correct ,that it is Manchu Language.
Then the person who wrote this book was a man of academia from the East sharing his knowledge and gaining knowledge
from Europeans ,I welcome all discussion lets solve this mystery, sincerely Guardian

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by cocojoys2003 » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:40 pm

Has anyone looked into the possibility that there is more than one symbol that stands for a letter or word? possibly that a letter or word capitalized has a different form? or like an equation where two things are equal with different symbols for example a symbol that looks like pi means circle and earth, or two different symbols mean the same thing. like a cross symbol and pi symbol both mean completion. I think that people are trying to find a translation and not meaning. maybe the meaning is different for each person, which would make it very much like a religious text. Just wondering. I believe it is different than any other language we have ever seen, and that once it is understood may be the new language for humanity. Off the cuff I think someone should ask someone who takes Ayahuasca to ask the beings in that reality what it means. The language certainly seems otherworldly. Like Tolkien's elfin language. I know these suggestions might seem strange but what else can you do with a mystery but look at it from strange and unusual angles?


Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Mamba » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:30 am

I think I have a huge clue, but dont know who i should send it to ?

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by neufer » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:32 am

Mamba wrote:
I think I have a huge clue, but dont know who i should send it to ?
Might I suggest Inigo Montoya.
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by jman » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:03 am

neufer wrote: Might I suggest Inigo Montoya.

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Beyond » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:36 am

jman wrote:
neufer wrote: Might I suggest Inigo Montoya.
NOT for the Great Loquacious Quotidian Quotationist :!:
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by owlice » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:42 am

beyond, you really need to watch The Princess Bride!

neufer and jman, lol!

Mamba, I know many people who need a huge clue; where to start, where to start...?
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Beyond » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:12 am

Hey owlice, I'm clueless about most everything. Start anywhere :!:
I'm also to lazy to try and find Princess Bride.
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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by MFeiz » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:58 pm

Has anyone yet tried to solve this manuscript using Farsi written from left to right? Most Farsi words are written without using any vowels and there are many two letter or three letter words like in voynich manuscript. Also hardly any articles are used in Farsi and there is no gender in this language unlike arabic. As for words that look similar but for the last letters, it looks just like Farsi where the pronouns come at the end ( ketabhayam=my books, ketabhayash=her/his books). I really have a strong feeling that voynich is written in Farsi but unfortunately have no time to try this out.


Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by mtobal2005 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:39 am

Even I knew there are weird books around the world,I really had no idea about this book. At 1st sight, language looks like a kind or a mix of arabian or an ancient language from this region, maybe one of those languages but...(sorry my english isnt good enough) There is an old kids game here in Argentina: talk in "jeringozo"; for ex: "mi mamá dice que no salga" (my mother says dont go out) comes into "mipi mapamapa dipicipe quepe nopo sapalgapa". If the author wanted to keep from ¿? would use something obvious. As regardsthis picture in particular, talks about universe, constelations or even could be a kind of zodiac...who knows!jajajajjaja


Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Ocachobee » Sun May 29, 2011 2:32 am

I do not believe this to be seperate constellation,

However it is a calendar; and from that we may can discover something else.

As you see in the top left, there lies a defined || to start the cycyle. It has 12 sections, labeling each month with *(stars) February, to us in these times, has the shortest month. Well on this calendar, the second month(section) has the least amount of stars. Coincidence? I think not

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Re: APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

Post by Davefragoso » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:13 pm

Hi, I'm interested in Get a Copy of the Voynicj MAnuscript to start working in it's traduction or interpretation.

I found in http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100131.html this links, but the link for Yale's University libary is broken.

Can you send me the New Link???

See ya!!!!

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