APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by neufer » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:29 pm

Click to play embedded YouTube video.
NoelC wrote:
ZenGrouch wrote:
What are the objects near the horizon about 2 cross-hairs from the left? One appears to be covered in a gold colored foil...
That's a fair question.

I assume it is some kind of science station they set up to leave on the moon, and they didn't want it contaminated or disturbed by the lift off when they left. I'd love to know the specifics.
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by NoelC » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:24 am

Y'know, I'll bet in the electronics they left up there, there are indeed transformers.

Probably none so powerful as ABB the snail though...

http://www04.abb.com/global/seitp/seitp ... former.jpg


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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by neufer » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:10 am

NoelC wrote:
Y'know, I'll bet in the electronics they left up there, there are indeed transformers.

Probably none so powerful as ABB the snail though...

http://www04.abb.com/global/seitp/seitp ... former.jpg
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by eaglekepr » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:41 am

arion wrote:What is that object that looks like a turbine, cut in the middle? Someone could say that this is Photoshop!
And they would be partially right. The final image used Photoshop Elements 6.0 (it's all in the metadata!)

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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by BruceBWilliams » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:45 pm

Just goes to show you. NASA can take photographs and make about anything they want out them, but not exactly.

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The Owlman of Mawnan

Post by neufer » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:15 pm

owlice wrote:
ksgtarheel wrote:
Zoomed in at the top/center, just above the horizon line, there is a fuzzy red dot (more like 1 and a half of them) ...just wanted to see if that was mars or not...thx in advance
There are two red dots on the horizon. You know what they are, don't you?

Eyes!! :shock:
Deja vue all over again! http://asterisk.apod.com/vie ... 25#p142316
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owlman wrote:
<<The Owlman, sometimes referred to as the Cornish Owlman, or The Owlman of Mawnan, is a purported cryptid that was supposedly sighted around mid 1976 in the village of Mawnan, Cornwall. The Owlman is sometimes compared to America's Mothman in cryptozoological literature.
The Owlman story began when paranormal researcher Tony "Doc" Shiels was approached by a man, Don Melling, who had been visiting the area on holiday from Lancaster. Melling said that on April 17, 1976, his two daughters, 12-year-old June and her 9-year-old sister, Vicky, were walking through the woods near Mawnan church when they saw a large winged creature hovering above the church tower. The girls were frightened and immediately ran to tell their father. According to Shiels, the family had become so perturbed by the sighting that they had abandoned their holiday three days early and that the father would not allow either of his daughters to be interviewed. Sheils was, however, provided with a drawing of the creature made by twelve year old June. :arrow:

Two months later, on July 3, 14-year-old Sally Chapman was camping with a friend, Barbara Perry, in woods near the church. According to her account, as she stood outside her tent, she heard a hissing sound and turned to see a figure that looked like an owl as big as a man, with pointed ears and red eyes. The girls reported that the creature flew up into the air, revealing black pincer-like claws. Sightings of this figure continued to be reported on the following day (when it was described as "silvery gray") and on two occasions two years later, in June and August 1978, all within the vicinity of the church. Previous to their encounter, the girls had read the pamphlet that described the Owlman's appearance to the Melling girls. They contacted Shiels, who encouraged them to draw images separately; he considered them similar enough to verify their story but different enough to rule out conspiracy.

Researcher Jonathan Downes later interviewed a young man, whom he calls "Gavin", who encountered the Owlman in 1989, independently of Shiels. "Gavin" and his girlfriend claimed to have seen a creature "about five feet tall... The legs had high ankles and the feet were large and black with two huge 'toes' on the visible side. The creature was gray with brown and the eyes definitely glowed." In 1995, a female tourist from Chicago wrote to the Western Morning News in Truro, claiming to have seen a "man-bird... with a ghastly face, a wide mouth, glowing eyes and pointed ears" as well as "clawed wings".>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by owlice » Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:37 pm

Neufer! All this time I've been keeping your Owlman secret, and you go and out yourself!!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

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Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by neufer » Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:33 pm

owlice wrote:
Neufer! All this time I've been keeping your Owlman secret, and you go and out yourself!!
I don't live in England. It is taxing enough just flying out to West Virginia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothman wrote:
<<The Mothman is a cryptid reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from November 12, 1966, to December 1967. Most observers describe the Mothman as a large man-sized (2.1 m) creature with large reflective red eyes and large moth wings. The creature was sometimes reported as having no head, with its eyes set into its chest. It possesses an unusual shriek.

On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point Pleasant were driving late at night were passing the West Virginia Ordnance Works, when they noticed two red lights in the shadows by an old generator plant near the factory gate. They stopped the car, and reportedly discovered that the lights were the glowing red eyes of a large animal, "shaped like a man, but bigger, maybe six and a half or seven feet tall, with big wings folded against its back." Terrified, they drove toward Route 62, where the creature supposedly chased them at speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour. They drove to the Mason County courthouse to alert Deputy Millard Halstead, who later said, "I've known these kids all their lives. They'd never been in any trouble and they were really scared that night. I took them seriously."

The following night, on November 16, several armed townspeople combed the area for signs of Mothman. They were heading back to their car when a figure appeared behind their parked vehicle. Mrs. Bennett said that it seemed like it had been lying down, slowly rising up from the ground, large and gray, with glowing red eyes. While Wamsley phoned the police, the creature walked onto the porch and peered in at them through the window. On November 24, four people allegedly saw the creature flying over the area.

A Mothman sighting was again reported on January 11, 1967, hovering over the town's bridge, and several other times that same year. Fewer sightings of the Mothman were reported after the collapse of the town's bridge, the Silver Bridge, when 46 people died. The Silver Bridge, so named for its aluminium paint, was an eyebar chain suspension bridge that connected the cities of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Gallipolis, Ohio, over the Ohio River. The bridge was built in 1928, and it collapsed on December 15, 1967. Investigation of the bridge wreckage pointed to the failure of a single eye-bar in a suspension chain due to a small manufacturing flaw. There are rumors that the Mothman appears before upcoming disasters and seems to try to warn people of them.>>
Art Neuendorffer


Re: APOD: Apollo 14: A View from Antares (2011 Feb 05)

Post by dennyzen » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:51 am

The LRO images of Apollo 14 were cool. They've gotten even more out of the LRO--in 3D:
http://news.softpedia.com/newsImage/LRO ... -3D-2.jpg/

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Re: Cone Crater Conundrum

Post by neufer » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:35 pm

133:20:31 Shepard: Okay. We're about the maximum elevation now, Houston. It's leveled out a little bit.
And it looks like we'll be approaching the [Cone Crater] rim here very shortly.
133:21:15 Mitchell: (Pause) Oops! It (the MET)'s going over. No, got it. (Long Pause) Fantastic stabilization; Al, it's going to turn over. (Pause)

133:21:50 Shepard: Okay. We better reconnoiter here. I don't see the crater yet.

133:21:57 Mitchell: I agree. Rock under my wheels. (Long Pause)
  • "yaaaaaaa-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!!"
http://www.universetoday.com/83166/interior-of-subsurface-cave-imaged-on-the-moon/ wrote: Interior of Subsurface Cave Imaged on the Moon
by Nancy Atkinson on February 8, 2011

<<Follow-up observations of a potential ‘skylight’ in a lava tube on the Moon has revealed a cavernous lunar pit in the Marius Hills region, with a view of the interior and bottom of the pit. The sun angle, camera angle and lighting conditions were just right for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter camera to look all the way down to the floor of the pit. And this is no small hole in the ground — the LRO team says this pit is about 65 meters in diameter! This latest image confirms this object is actually a subsurface cave; a lava tube close to the surface where part of it has collapsed. These lava tubes could be great locations for lunar bases that could protect human explorers from dangers such as cosmic rays, meteorite impacts, and the extreme temperature differences between the lunar day and night.

This is the fourth time that this particular lunar pit has been imaged. Since LRO is constantly orbiting the Moon and it completes a full cycle of lunar imaging each month, the team can do follow up observations of previous discoveries and re-image targets under different lighting conditions.

Previous images had revealed the dark, cave-like entrance, and another showed part of the pit wall.

For this fourth imaging run, the spacecraft slewed 43° to the east and the solar incidence angle was 34° from vertical. This was just the right angle so that if there actually was an open lava tube extending horizontally its floor would be illuminated.

The LROC team hit paydirt (or pay-regolith, if you will).

With LRO’s Narrow Angle Camera, the team was able to image a few meters under the overhang to show the interior of this sublunarean void. With this oblique angle, they were also able to capture the layered nature of the mare bedrock in the pit walls. These exposed layers give scientists important clues as to how the vast mare were deposited.

The collection of images now verifies this is actually a cavernous subsurface cave. These pits had been predicted to exist, based on the understanding of the geomorphology of mare deposits and lava flow behavior on Earth, but never directly imaged before. The LROC team will be presenting their findings about this pit and others that have been imaged at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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