Tycho Brahe, murdering, and go to toilet

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Joan Girones
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Tycho Brahe, murdering, and go to toilet

Post by Joan Girones » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:11 pm

Was Tycho Brahe murdered?
http://www.aolnews.com/2010/11/15/scien ... -murdered/

Brahe's death has long been attributed to a bladder infection contracted after his bladder ruptured during a royal banquet where politeness and convention kept him from leaving the royal table to use the bathroom.

“I don’t want to finish like Tycho Brahe"

In fact, “excuse-me, but I don’t want to finish like Tycho Brahe”, is the expression used on the Czech Republic every time that somebody apologizes to go to the toilet.

(from the Catalan newspaper “La Vanguardia”, Dec 5 2010)

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orin stepanek
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Re: Tycho Brahe, murdering, and go to toilet

Post by orin stepanek » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:02 pm

Joan Girones wrote: “I don’t want to finish like Tycho Brahe"
I don't know if I could remember Tycho Brahe when Mother Nature calls! It's more like " I gotta go; gotta go; gotta go right now! :) But I will try saying that sometime.
I read the article; maybe his wife did it! Why wouldn't her remains be next to his?

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