JPL: Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'

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JPL: Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'

Post by bystander » Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:13 pm

Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'
NASA JPL | Cassini Equinox Mission | 14 Aug 2010
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has successfully completed its flyby over the "tiger stripes" in the south polar region of Saturn's moon Enceladus and has sent back images of its passage. The spacecraft also targeted the moon Tethys.

The tiger stripes are actually giant fissures that spew jets of water vapor and organic particles hundreds of kilometers, or miles, out into space. While the winter is darkening the moon's southern hemisphere, Cassini has its own version of "night vision goggles" -- the composite infrared spectrometer instrument - to track heat even when visible light is low. It will take time for scientists to assemble the data into temperature maps of the fissures.

This image was taken on Aug. 13, 2010, by the Cassini spacecraft and received on Earth Aug. 14, 2010. The camera was pointing toward Enceladus at approximately 348,913 kilometers (216,805 miles) away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and GRN filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated. A validated/calibrated image will be archived with the NASA Planetary Data System in 2011.

More raw images from the Enceladus flyby, dubbed "E11," are available at:

Credit: NASA/JPL/SSI ... 77#p129677

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How to bag a tiger on Enceladus

Post by neufer » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:47 pm wrote:
How to Catch a Lion in the Sahara:



We place a spherical cage in the desert and enter it. We then perform an inverse operation with respect to the cage. The lion is then inside the cage and we are outside.


We observe that the desert is a separable space. It therefore contains an enumerable dense set of points from which can be extracted a sequence having the lion as the limit. We then approach the lion stealthily along this sequence bearing with us suitable equipment.


We observe that wild lions are ipso facto not observable in the sahara desert. Consequently if there are any lions in the Sahara they are tame. The capture of a tame lion is left as an exercise for the reader.


We construct a semi-permeable membrane which is permeable to everything except lions and sweep it across the sahara.


Make a list of the lion's whereabouts.Classify them into different fuzzy sets. The lion will get confused and fall into your trap.


We observe that the lion has at least the connectivity of the torus. We transport the desert into four-space. It is then possible to carry out such a transformation that the lion can be returned to 3-space in a knotted condition. He is then helpless.


At any given moment there is a positive probability that there is a lion in the cage. Sit down and wait.


You will disturb the lion when you observe it before capturing. So keep your eyes closed.


Run in the direction opposite to that of the lion. The relative velocity makes the lion run faster and hence he feels heavier and gets tired.


Let the lion catch you (let's assume you remain alive here). For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, you will have captured the lion.


Take the origin as close as possible to the lion. Then perform rotation operation again and again. Initially, the lion will feel dizzy. Finally it will fall down.


Make a linked list of all objects in the desert. Then delete the pointers on either side of the lion.(Make sure you are not AFTER the lion.)


Use a Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton with epsilon moves from all states to the final state, and no moves from the final state. The lion will soon enter the final state and be trapped.


Use a time-machine and take the entire Sahara back a few years in time. The lion is just a cub now, and all you need is a mouse-trap.


Integrate the Sahara over its entire surface. The lion is now somewhere in the result. Differentiate the result w.r.t the earth's rotation. The resulting value is zero, and the lion is no more.


Hold the lion still for a moment (I don't care how you do it), and recite Shakespeare`s Hamlet to it. The lion will change from 'To be' to 'Not-to-be'.
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Re: JPL: Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'

Post by Ann » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:31 am

:lol: :rotflol:

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Re: JPL: Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'

Post by Beyond » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:38 pm

The topic is bagging Tigers. Neufer posts about bagging a Lion. I guess neufer's not as "far off" as i thought he was. :wink:

Ann, whats :lol: :rotflol: ??
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Re: JPL: Cassini Bags Enceladus 'Tigers'

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:40 pm

beyond wrote:
The topic is bagging Tigers. Neufer posts about bagging a Lion.
I guess neufer's not as "far off" as i thought he was. :wink:
Lions & Tigers and bare monkeys with red boots, Oh my! :oops:
beyond wrote:Ann, whats :lol: :rotflol: ??

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Re: How to bag a tiger on Enceladus

Post by owlice » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:04 pm

neufer wrote: wrote: (10) THE NEWTONIAN METHOD:

Let the lion catch you (let's assume you remain alive here). For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, you will have captured the lion.
Noooo... the equal and opposite reaction is not that you will have captured the lion, but rather that something, either you or the lion, is released. I'd have to put my money on your being released.... after your flesh has been chewed off your bones and the marrow sucked out of them by something, if not by lions.

And you left out the PARENTAL UNIT METHOD, which is to redirect your efforts elsewhere, because lions typically live in savannas and grasslands; they surely don't live in the Sahara. (Aren't they teaching you anything in that school of yours?!) Once you get to the right place, you'll figure out what to do; your parental units have faith in your abilities.
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Re: How to bag a tiger on Enceladus

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:52 pm

owlice wrote:
neufer wrote:
(10) THE NEWTONIAN METHOD: Let the lion catch you (let's assume you remain alive here). For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, you will have captured the lion.
Noooo... the equal and opposite reaction is not that you will have captured the lion, but rather that something, either you or the lion, is released. I'd have to put my money on your being released.... after your flesh has been chewed off your bones and the marrow sucked out of them by something, if not by lions.
I'm hoping for a marrow escape in which the lion ends up only eating my red boots.
owlice wrote:And you left out the PARENTAL UNIT METHOD, which is to redirect your efforts elsewhere, because lions typically live in savannas and grasslands; they surely don't live in the Sahara. (Aren't they teaching you anything in that school of yours?!) Once you get to the right place, you'll figure out what to do; your parental units have faith in your abilities. wrote:
<<The lion is found throughout the south Sahara desert and in parts of southern and eastern Africa.
They are generally seen on grassy plains, savannas, and dry woodlands but never seen in heavily forested areas.>> wrote:
<<The Lions Club of Savannah (chartered in 1922) has sold brooms at broom fairs as a charity project since 1950.>> wrote:
<<In relatively recent times the habitat of lions spanned the southern parts of Eurasia, ranging from Greece to India, and most of Africa. Herodotus reported that lions had been common in Greece around 480 BC; they attacked the baggage camels of the Persian king Xerxes on his march through the country. A population of the Asiatic Lion survived until the tenth century in the Caucasus, their last European outpost.>>
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Re: How to bag a tiger on Enceladus

Post by owlice » Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:03 pm

:: is studiously ignoring (albeit with some difficulty) the possibility of neufer losing his boots which would thus leave him completely unclothed ::

:: has been trying to convince herself the boots really count... ::
neufer wrote:
owlice wrote:And you left out the PARENTAL UNIT METHOD, which is to redirect your efforts elsewhere, because lions typically live in savannas and grasslands; they surely don't live in the Sahara. (Aren't they teaching you anything in that school of yours?!) Once you get to the right place, you'll figure out what to do; your parental units have faith in your abilities. wrote:
<<The lion is found throughout the south Sahara desert and in parts of southern and eastern Africa.
They are generally seen on grassy plains, savannas, and dry woodlands but never seen in heavily forested areas.>>
There are grassy plains and savannas in the Sahara? Okay, then; I stand corrected! wrote:
<<The Lions Club of Savannah (chartered in 1922) has sold brooms at broom fairs as a charity project since 1950.>>
Broom fairs... shades of Diagon Alley!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

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