Hey, Australia elects antiscience believers, too!

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Hey, Australia elects antiscience believers, too!

Post by bystander » Tue May 04, 2010 5:36 pm

Hey, Australia elects antiscience believers, too!
Phil Plait wrote:Wow. Just wow. You need to watch this to — ahem! — believe it. This guy, Steven Fielding, an Australian Parliamentarian, dodges, ducks, dips, dives and dodges so well he could be an American politician!
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Phil Plait wrote:Did you notice anything about what he said? Like, how he never answered the actual question? I do have to wonder about his exact reasons for dodging Richard Dawkins’ questions about the age of the Earth. It’s almost as if he’s embarrassed by his own beliefs, knowing how old-fashioned, provincial, and downright wrong they must sound.

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Re: Hey, Australia elects antiscience believers, too!

Post by owlice » Tue May 04, 2010 8:04 pm

Love the audience reaction! They seem to find him ridiculous.
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Chris Peterson
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Re: Hey, Australia elects antiscience believers, too!

Post by Chris Peterson » Tue May 04, 2010 8:38 pm

Phil Plait wrote:Did you notice anything about what he said? Like, how he never answered the actual question? I do have to wonder about his exact reasons for dodging Richard Dawkins’ questions about the age of the Earth. It’s almost as if he’s embarrassed by his own beliefs, knowing how old-fashioned, provincial, and downright wrong they must sound.
The positive thing is that the audience laughs at him and that he does seem embarrassed by his own beliefs when forced to confront them. I'd like to think this would be true in the U.S. as well, but I fear that in too many forums, it would not.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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