... which has now (so far) changed to ...
Restored machine to explore mysteries of Big Bang
Hey, I didn't write those headlines. And I understand that "Big Bang" is a pun or double entendre referring to an energetic particle collision, not to the origin of the universe or to any similarity between the two as the name implies. So I was a little bit hesitant to post the link because of the reaction the headline might evoke in the knee-jerk gallery, but they did restart the thing and I'm only lettin' y'all know.
And here's another article that creates an incorrect impression:
I guess the phrase "Big Bang" is good for hooking readers, but please.http://www.domain-b.com/technology/2009/20091121_cern_restart.html wrote:Scientist at Geneva-based European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) have managed to restart the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) designed to recreate the Big Bang of the universe, after more than a year of repairs, the organisation said yesterday.