harry wrote:
Once the solar envelope accumulates heavier elements and the core loses its gravity control over the solar envelope, the solar envelope expands.
The core doesn't lose gravity control. On the contrary, it's 'gravity control' is
increased. If heavy elements accumulate in the solar envelope, that should increase the core's gravitational control, not decrease it. So what would cause your posited resulting envelope expansion???
Here is my simplified explanation.
Fusion (exothermic) in the core creates radiation pressure pushing outwards, counteracting the effects of gravity pulling inwards. Once the fusion fuel is used up, gravity collapses the core, increasing its pressure and therefore temperature. For large stars destined to become supernovae, this temperature increases enough to begin the next level of fusion, creating the radiation pressure anew.
This process continues with each collapse creating the increased temperature required for the next level of fusion to occur. When all fuel is consumed, or when the temperature cannot be raised high enough for the next level of fusion to occur, or when the heaviest element for which fusion is exothermic has been exhausted, the final collapse of the outer layers 'bounces off' the dense core and ka-boom!!!
There are many more details that I don't understand but this is the generally accepted description, I believe.
harry wrote:
The many elements in the solar envelope are broken down by the combination of gravity and electromagnetic reconnection down to Neutrons that are collected and confined in the solar core.
Elements are not broken down in the core. Elements are
created in the core due to nuclear fusion reactions. The break down into neutrons with the resulting creation of a neutron star occurs after the supernova has occurred (or during the supernova explosion?)
I've never heard of elements being broken down by either gravity or 'electromagnetic reconnection', whatever that is. Admittedly, I'm not an astronomer but I do have a very old physics degree and worked in nuclear physics for a while so though my knowledge is very rusty, I do have a grip on the rudiments.
harry wrote:
The explanation of the explosion can be read in alternative processes such as a the solar envelope collapsing due to gravity and rebouncing.
I believe that this is the main process, not an alternative reading of the process.
I don't know why folks waste their time and energy reading and believing pseudo-scientific gobbledygook !!!
If you study and or work with scientists for a while, you would see that their theories are exhaustively debated and meticulously researched ant tested. Sure, theories can be superseded by newer, better ones and corrections are made. But generally accepted descriptions of processes become generally accepted through processes of intense scrutiny and debate. Scientists are not in some dogmatic conspiracy to advance only one set of ideas, believe me!!!