I guess my math was OK 8)astrolabe wrote:orin? bystander?
I'm beginning to think that you two have juuuuust a little too much time on your hands. The value of a second of time would have to be the same, So the number of seconds in a day would remain unchanged; as would kms, as well as any metric length. So c would still be 300,000 m/s. There would be no MPH, only KPH. And more distance would be travelled in a metric hour so velocities would need adjusting at the minute and hour increments. However, to say that it takes N amount of days or years to arrive at some destination would be valid and NOT change , of course.
BTW 100 sec X 100 min. I believe is 10,000 sec as opposed to 100,000. Agreed there would be 8.64 hr. per day. Stay tuned there's more forthcoming soon
Hey there's a time for work and a time for play! I worked for over 50 years so now it's time to play! You think? Actually I'm still working part time; but I do have some time on my hands. That Metric time may have kept me younger though.