Hydromagnesite stromatolites occur all around the Salda lake margins.
<<Hydromagnesite is a hydrated magnesium carbonate mineral which generally occurs associated with the weathering products of magnesium containing minerals such as serpentine or brucite. It also sometimes appears in caves, deposited from water that has seeped through magnesium rich rocks.>>
Getting Sirius over Clean Coal?
---------------------------------------------http://www.eos.ubc.ca/research/dipple/Alesi_Hydromag/Hydromag.htm wrote:
Hydromagnesite Deposits of Atlin, BC:
An Analog for CO2 Sequestration?
Ephemeral hydromagnesite playas occupy the area surrounding Atlin, BC. Pit, core, and surficial samples were obtained to study the mineralogical binding of atmospheric CO2. Similar reactions occur in mine residues where acceleration of carbonate alteration could be employed to mitigate industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
---------------------------------------------http://libraries.maine.edu/Spatial/gisweb/spatdb/acsm/ac94043.html wrote:
<<On the Landsat Thematic Mapper data representing the Lake Salda, great reflectance differences between some of the coastal parts and the other regions are determined. Using the processed Landsat data obtained through image processing techniques, the distribution of these areas were more close investigated. The satellite images, in-situ observations, and mineral-ogical analysis of the samples collected at the study area showed that these areas include hydromagnesite and small amounts of calcite, dolomite and serpantine. The field observations indicated that these minerals are generally formed at the southwestern and southeastern parts of Lake Salda and were transported mostly to the northern part of the lake.
On the other hand, the laboratory.experiments exhibited that for the formation of the hydromagnesite mineral a temperature of 25 degrees C and 1 atm are needed. Therefore, it is interesting that this mineral, rarely formed in nature, is formed at Lake Salda Lake under the above mentioned climatological and hydraulical conditions.>>