AndChris Peterson wrote:... The point being, extinctions happen when species are stressed, and it can be very difficult to point to any one stress and call that the "cause". Certainly this fungus seems to be the most important threat to many amphibian species, but that doesn't mean other man made problems aren't also contributing.
The fact is, many species are at risk today- we appear to be undergoing a mass extinction process on a scale as large as ever seen, and this extinction is almost certainly caused by humans. So far, climate change has not been the primary stress, but if current trends continue, it is bound to become a bigger part of the problem.
Do humans cause extinctions? Darn right we do, the displacement of species by six or seven billion people on the planet will do that.BMAONE23 wrote: But since some fungi thrive in warm moist environs, couldn't current warming trends have provided the environment for this particular fungus to thrive long enough to attack the amphibian in question?
Chis Peterson writes, "Certainly this fungus seems to be the most important threat ..."
No, it doesn't seem to be, it is!
And BMAONE23 writes, "couldn't current warming trends have provided the environment for this particular fungus to thrive long enough..."
Oh yes let's figure out some way in the face of the obvious facts to blame it on "Global Warming".
For Chris and BMAONE23 and others that beat the drum for "Global Warming" and beat it you do, are you ready to sacrifice in its name? You know, regulations on what you eat, regulations on travel, regulations on personal living space? Well really, where are the politicians who are pushing this issue going with it? You really need to give it some thought!