An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

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An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by neufer » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:31 pm

Lava lamp:
Sax Rohmer » The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu » Chapter XV. Bewitchment

...resolutely fixing my attention upon a tall Etruscan vase in the corner of the window, near to the shop door. Was I losing my senses indeed? A doubt of my own sanity momentarily possessed me. For, struggle as I would to dispel the illusion--there, looking out at me over that ancient piece of pottery, was the bewitching face of the slave-girl! Probably I was glaring madly, and possibly I attracted the notice of the passers-by; but of this I cannot be certain, for all my attention was centered upon that phantasmal face, with the cloudy hair, slightly parted red lips, and the brilliant dark eyes which looked into mine out of the shadows of the shop.
----------------------------------------------- wrote:
<<Some textbooks and most web pages say that the green flash is produced by refraction under ordinary atmospheric conditions. That is not true, if it was then we would see flashes much more often.

A standard stable atmosphere gets cooler with increasing height and the air density falls smoothly and monotonically. The lower and denser portion acts as a giant lens bending rays from the setting sun towards the earth. As a result, the rays appear to be coming from a point higher in the sky and the sun appears to be raised up. Green light is refracted more strongly than red and so different coloured images of the sun become very slightly vertically separated. As the sun sinks it develops a green** upper edge and a red lower one. But the effect is small usually only visible in binoculars - do not ever look without full eye protection, even for an instant. To make a green flash these tiny refraction effects need somehow to be considerably magnified. We need a mirage ...

Why a green edge, why not blue? Why are green flashes green? Blue light is refracted more strongly than green or red and the sun's upper edge might be expected to be rimmed with blue outside a band of green. This rarely happens because so little blue light remains in the rays of the setting sun. Blue light is strongly scattered by air molecules, small dust and aerosol particles out of the direct rays. There is a further effect, traces of ozone absorb the orange light which makes the contrast between the red sun and green flash even more dramatic.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by orin stepanek » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:52 pm

reminds me of the blobs in a lava lamp! 8)


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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by atoptics » Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:54 pm

Miraged moonrises/moonsets of this type are created by warmer air beneath cooler air and not a temperature inversion - see

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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by bobnxena » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:01 pm

In the second Etruscan Vase image, World War II buffs may see an echo of the initial views of Trinity, the first nuclear fission explosion, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, July 16, 1945. Attached for comparison is an image taken 0.006 seconds after ignition, when the fireball was about a quarter of a mile in diameter.
Trinity moon.jpg
Trinity moon.jpg (26.54 KiB) Viewed 1450 times

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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by neufer » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:04 pm

atoptics wrote:Miraged moonrises/moonsets of this type are created by warmer air beneath cooler air and not a temperature inversion - see

Les Cowley
So it would seem.
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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by aristarchusinexile » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:08 pm

The 'vase' imaging is a real stretch of imagination .. I just can't do it.
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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by bystander » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:14 pm

aristarchusinexile wrote:The 'vase' imaging is a real stretch of imagination .. I just can't do it.
You??? having problems stretching the imagination. I don't believe it. Say it isn't so. :wink:

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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by aristarchusinexile » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:18 pm

bystander wrote:
aristarchusinexile wrote:The 'vase' imaging is a real stretch of imagination .. I just can't do it.
You??? having problems stretching the imagination. I don't believe it. Say it isn't so. :wink:
Well, I do have the flue, Bystander. Do you have any spare rum toddy?
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"Etruscan Vase" Moon effect

Post by JohnD » Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:39 pm

If Jules Verne has lives a hundred years later, I think he would have given it another name.
APOD 23rd Feb 2009
The sequence, especially when seen in its uncompressed version (why do that? Plenty of APODSverrun the page!) is disturbingly alike to another image altogether - the Trinity Bomb explosion.
See: ... dfff9f137f


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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by geckzilla » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:23 pm

I'm probably the only one but the vase shape made me think of these monsters from Zelda, especially on the horizontally squished version: Image
Just call me "geck" because "zilla" is like a last name.

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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by JohnD » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:06 pm

Sorry that I missed the previous post about Trniyt.
In fact I missed the whole thread.

In recompense, here is the passage from Jules Verne's Le Rayon Vert:

"Tous, immobiles, plus emus qu'on ne le pourrait croire, regardaient le globe qui, se mouvant obliquement a l'horizon,descendit encore, et resta comme suspendu un instant sur l'abime.Puis, la deformation du disque, modifie par la refraction, se fit peu a peu sentir; il s'elargit au detriment de son diametre vertical et rappella la forme d'un vase etrusce, aux flancs rebondis, dont le pied plongeait dans l'eau." [I can't do the accents on the letters]

In crude translation
"Everyone, motionless, more moved than they could believe, looked at the sphere which, being driven obliquely at the horizon, still went down, and remained as suspended for one moment on the abyss. Then, the deformation of the disc, modified by refraction, little by little was enlarged along its vertical diameter and became the form of an etruscan vase, with recurved sides, whose foot plunged in the water."

You can read the episode (indeed the whole book!) at: ... rayon-vert
Use the "Search" to find the relevant paragraph.


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Re: An Etruscan Vase Moon Rising (APOD 2009 February 23)

Post by aristarchusinexile » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:20 am

geckzilla wrote:I'm probably the only one but the vase shape made me think of these monsters from Zelda, especially on the horizontally squished version: Image
YES! I can see Zelda!
Duty done .. the rain will stop as promised with the rainbow.
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