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by TheZuke!
Wed May 20, 2020 1:30 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Journey into the Cosmic Reef (2020 May 18)
Replies: 50
Views: 20537

Re: APOD: Journey into the Cosmic Reef (2020 May 18)

Well, if we interpret color with our eyes, and our eyes never see green in any stars, I don't know what to say other than stars aren't green. And if that makes me stupid then I'll take stupid. Here's a picture of a star that ended up green. Here's another star that was gre...
by TheZuke!
Tue May 05, 2020 1:19 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Carina in Perspective (2020 May 05)
Replies: 12
Views: 3558

Re: APOD: Carina in Perspective (2020 May 05)

Nice photo!
But, how does this Southern Cross work?
Do either of the "crossbars" point South?
Is the South Celestial Pole "visible" in this photo?
(Feeling blessed us people in Up Over have such a definite pole star)
Thanks for any response!
by TheZuke!
Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:54 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Fresh Tiger Stripes on Saturn's... (2020 Apr 27)
Replies: 18
Views: 5848

Re: APOD: Fresh Tiger Stripes on Saturn's... (2020 Apr 27)

be nice to drag this little world into the goldilocks zone and let the ice melt! :mrgreen: My guess (hardly scientific); is that if Enceladus were brought close enough to the Sun to melt the ice, the gravity and atmosphere of such a small "moon" would not be enough to keep the water from ...
by TheZuke!
Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:20 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Eye on the Milky Way (2020 Apr 21)
Replies: 15
Views: 6859

Re: APOD: Eye on the Milky Way (2020 Apr 21)

Thank you very much for the "play by play"!
You went above and beyond answering my question!
I did get a couple of bad links, but that may be an effect of the nanny router here at work. :?
by TheZuke!
Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:24 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Cosmic Triangle (2020 Apr 15)
Replies: 20
Views: 4329

Re: APOD: A Cosmic Triangle (2020 Apr 15)

Picking chokecherries was a common activity in my childhood, which lead to chokecherry syrup on pancakes. :-D (Not to be confused with Choke Berries, a different plant) Chokecherries were sometimes used in making pemmican. (A friend once told me, "If you are offered some pemmican, refuse it!&q...
by TheZuke!
Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:18 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Eye on the Milky Way (2020 Apr 21)
Replies: 15
Views: 6859

Re: APOD: Eye on the Milky Way (2020 Apr 21)

Kinda creepy looking, but also awesome!
What is the cluster of bright stars near the bright spot on the left (Jupiter) of the Milky Way?
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:47 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Cosmic Triangle (2020 Apr 15)
Replies: 20
Views: 4329

Re: APOD: A Cosmic Triangle (2020 Apr 15)

Picking chokecherries was a common activity in my childhood, which lead to chokecherry syrup on pancakes. :-D (Not to be confused with Choke Berries, a different plant) Chokecherries were sometimes used in making pemmican. (A friend once told me, "If you are offered some pemmican, refuse it!&qu...
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:34 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Sailing Stone across Death Valley (2020 Apr 13)
Replies: 12
Views: 5154

Re: APOD: A Sailing Stone across Death Valley (2020 Apr 13)

Based on email from James Norris, a leading authority and author on the sailing stones, the last sentence of the APOD text on the main NASA site has now been updated to read "It turns out that in winter thin floating ice sheets form in a rare ephemeral lake, and light winds push ice sections t...
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:32 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Comet ATLAS Breaks Up (2020 Apr 16)
Replies: 7
Views: 3655

Re: APOD: Comet ATLAS Breaks Up (2020 Apr 16)

"She's breakin' up on us Captain!"
-Engineering Officer Montgomery Scott
by TheZuke!
Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:30 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Flow of Time (2020 Apr 09)
Replies: 10
Views: 2323

Re: APOD: A Flow of Time (2020 Apr 09)

I am afraid I never heard of the red/green definition of dawn. An hour or so searching this morning got me no closer. I will check back later in hopes of a reference or link. Beautiful picture of the day! I'm afraid I'm not of further assistance in that regard. It may have been in the latter 1970's...
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:27 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)
Replies: 14
Views: 3482

Re: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)

Pikov Andropov wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:21 am Interesting concept, dark lighting. I am curious as to why the caption was so pseudo-scientific.
How about an article from an accredited electronics journal? ... -per-watt/
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:59 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)
Replies: 14
Views: 3482

Re: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)

orin stepanek wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:02 am It is hard to see the MW from aa position within a city! Actually; all these were taken outside the city! 8-)
I suspect the camera is more sensitive at "seeing" The Milky Way in "the city" than human eyes are...
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:57 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)
Replies: 14
Views: 3482

Re: APOD: Country Sky versus City Sky (2020 Apr 08)

Interesting concept, dark lighting. I am curious as to why the caption was so pseudo-scientific. It read more like a post from a politically-driven environmentalist blog than an explanation from a professional astronomer. I assume the grammatical errors and awkward writing style (clunky in places) ...
by TheZuke!
Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:39 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Flow of Time (2020 Apr 09)
Replies: 10
Views: 2323

Re: APOD: A Flow of Time (2020 Apr 09)

FYI: Military dawn is when you can tell the difference between a red cloth and a green cloth. The US Army had (has?) a small "booklet" with a sample of both cloths to aid commanders in determining when it is "dawn".
by TheZuke!
Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:13 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Path North (2020 Apr 07)
Replies: 19
Views: 9045

Re: APOD: A Path North (2020 Apr 07)

That's a beautiful picture. My compliments to the photographer. I especially like the zigzag lines you made. This explanation though got me to thinking. If the camera was truly at the north pole, then the circular pattern would be overhead, and now that the season is spring the midnight sun would b...
by TheZuke!
Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:10 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Path North (2020 Apr 07)
Replies: 19
Views: 9045

Re: A Prolate Trochoid The caption suggests what might make an interesting variation on these images. If one could, over the course of one night, get the camera to move a significant amount northward, say 10 degrees north, all the while otherwise keep...
by TheZuke!
Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:16 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Venus and the Sisters (2020 Apr 04)
Replies: 11
Views: 2749

Re: APOD: Venus and the Sisters (2020 Apr 04)

We've had overcast skies that past several evenings.
Alas and alack!
by TheZuke!
Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: NGC 1672: Barred Spiral Galaxy from... (2020 Apr 06)
Replies: 16
Views: 3626

Re: APOD: NGC 1672: Barred Spiral Galaxy from... (2020 Apr 06)

My theory is that "barred galaxies" are illegally parked, and the Intergalactic Police have put a Parking Boot on them until they pay their fine.

by TheZuke!
Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:29 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: The Galactic Center from Radio to X-ray (2020 Mar 31)
Replies: 25
Views: 9899

Re: APOD: The Galactic Center from Radio to X-ray (2020 Mar 31)

What is the width of this scene at the distance of the galactic center? Good question, but the answer is not easy, because time and space are compressed by the black hole, so while it may "look" to be 2^x furlongs wide, there may be an infinite number of furlongs, barleycorn lengths or ce...
by TheZuke!
Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:19 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Asteroid or Potato? (2020 Apr 01)
Replies: 27
Views: 9306

Re: APOD: Asteroid or Potato? (2020 Apr 01)

All "eyes" are on today's APOD.
The Russians should launch a Spudnik probe for further invegetation.
I wonder if their dictater would risome to the occasion.
by TheZuke!
Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:42 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Stars Trail over Ragusa (2020 Mar 28)
Replies: 40
Views: 15322

Re: APOD: Stars Trail over Ragusa (2020 Mar 28)

The spatial and temporal coherence of laser light goes beyond simply having the same wavelength. You can easily create light of a single wavelength with a filter, but that light won't be coherent. That also requires that the photons be in phase with each other. That's only possible if they have the...
by TheZuke!
Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:52 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Stars Trail over Ragusa (2020 Mar 28)
Replies: 40
Views: 15322

Re: APOD: Stars Trail over Ragusa (2020 Mar 28)

[...] By the way, is laser light a sign wave with very high amplitude? [...] As neufer answered correctly, "NO!" LASER light is "coherent", all the photons are at the same [i.e. very close to the same] _frequency_. Each fundamental colour of light has its own frequency, or often...
by TheZuke!
Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:36 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Little Drop of Galaxy (2020 Mar 27)
Replies: 9
Views: 3550

Re: APOD: A Little Drop of Galaxy (2020 Mar 27)

Ann wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:08 pm
It works for me. Have you tried again?

It worked later.
Thanks for responding!
by TheZuke!
Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:35 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: The Colors of Saturn from Cassini (2020 Mar 30)
Replies: 8
Views: 2651

Re: APOD: The Colors of Saturn from Cassini (2020 Mar 30)

Upvote to neufer for the obscure reference!
(I remember watching that show as a lad)
by TheZuke!
Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:35 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: A Little Drop of Galaxy (2020 Mar 27)
Replies: 9
Views: 3550

Re: APOD: A Little Drop of Galaxy (2020 Mar 27)

Okay, a "galaxy in a droplet" beats "galaxy in a marble" from Men in Black!