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by smitty
Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:27 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Aurora in the Distance (APOD 19 Nov 2007)
Replies: 38
Views: 13303

It has all the earmarks of being a real comet. If we had additional information about the image (date, etc.) it might be possible to figure it out. It does strike me as odd that the person who wrote the blurb about the photo didn't think to say something about it.
by smitty
Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:20 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Crescent Saturn, listen to rings; Pandora AWOL? (23 Oct 07)
Replies: 20
Views: 8457

bystander wrote:I retract that, Pandora is indeed at 8, just outside the F ring. That must be Prometheus on the inside of the F ring at 9.
Yes again! I've now found all four! Thank you!
by smitty
Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:16 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Crescent Saturn, listen to rings; Pandora AWOL? (23 Oct 07)
Replies: 20
Views: 8457

bystander wrote:It's in the gap between the outermost visible ring and the rest of the ring system, closer to 9 than 8.
Good eye! Yes, I found it! Thanks! I just hate it when moons go AWOL, so am glad this didn't happen here. :)
by smitty
Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:38 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Crescent Saturn, listen to rings; Pandora AWOL? (23 Oct 07)
Replies: 20
Views: 8457

Crescent Saturn, Pandora AWOL? (APOD 23 Oct 2007)

It seems that perhaps Pandora was cropped out of my version of the 10-23-07 apod? I found tiny Mimas and Janus (almost hidden by bits of lint on my screen) as stated in the text, but no Pandora. Am I the only one who can't find Pandora?
by smitty
Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:53 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: The Small Cloud of Magellan (APOD 01 Oct 2007)
Replies: 10
Views: 3540

Small Cloud of Magellan

Thanks for the clarifications! It was clear that something was amisss, but I wasn't sure exactly what.
by smitty
Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:57 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: The Small Cloud of Magellan (APOD 01 Oct 2007)
Replies: 10
Views: 3540

The Small Cloud of Magellan

The description of the two globular clusters' locations is very confusing. I assume NGC 362 is the larger one located at the 8 o'clock position and 47 Tucanae is at the smaller one located at the 5 o'clock position (which is not, as stated, to the left of the Cloud of Magellan)?
by smitty
Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:03 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: doted dunes of mars (APOD 05 August 2007)
Replies: 6
Views: 2960

Dotted Dunes of Mars

makc, thank you for your effort to help us understand what we're looking at in the apod for 5 August, but even after looking at your view, I agree with Kuno that it's not clear what we're seeing. Perhaps a 3-D view would help. Regardless, it's quite beautiful!
by smitty
Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:47 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD: Night-Shining Clouds (2007 Jul 05)
Replies: 38
Views: 16629

APOD: Night-Shining Clouds (2007 Jul 05)

Does anybody know whether (or how) the night-shining clouds are related to auroras?
by smitty
Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:28 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: 'Cat's Eye Wide and Deep' (APOD 29 June 2007)
Replies: 5
Views: 2839

Excellent question, Andy! And then there's the comet-shaped feature to the lower right of the boomerang-shaped feature you highlighted. Some interesting things going on in this photo! Like you, I have no answers, just questions.
by smitty
Mon May 28, 2007 4:54 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: A Hole in Mars (APOD 28 May 2007)
Replies: 109
Views: 36427

A Hole in Mars

Can anyone please refresh my memory regarding current Mars orbiters: does any of them have a radar-based terrain mapping capability? If so, could it be programmed to plumb the depths of one or more of the holes discovered on Mars?
by smitty
Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:40 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Spokes in Saturn's Rings (APOD 27 Nov 2006)
Replies: 13
Views: 5454

Spokes in Saturn's Rings (APOD 27 Nov 2006)

Not knowing the lighting conditions during sightings of the mysterious "spokes" in Saturn's rings (APOD 27 Nov '06), I can't help wondering whether they might be some sort of shadow phenomenon, perhaps caused by an object or objects slightly out of the rings' plane? Just a first thought. S...
by smitty
Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:36 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Opportunity's Location (APOD 9 Oct 2006)
Replies: 14
Views: 6643

The opportunity image and the Victoria insert are in identical orientation. Duck bay is the feature directly below the rover and is the largest "Bay" feature in the inset. Both pointing in the same direction. Try this image of Victoria
by smitty
Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:25 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Opportunity's Location (APOD 9 Oct 2006)
Replies: 14
Views: 6643

Yes, I saw that, but what I mean is that I'm not clear where the Opportunity is relative to the whole Victoria Crater; for example, is it at the six oclock position, the three oclock position, or what? An annotation on the image showing the whole of the crater would be helpful.
by smitty
Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:50 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Opportunity's Location (APOD 9 Oct 2006)
Replies: 14
Views: 6643

Opportunity's Location (APOD 9 Oct 2006)

I was hoping we'd have an APOD like the one today (10/9/06) showing Opportunity from above, but was hoping there would be an annotation pointing out the location of Cape Verde and Duck Bay on the inset showing the whole Victoria Crater. Still a little difficult for me to get oriented. Maybe next tim...
by smitty
Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:03 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: "Flares" in Eris Photo (APOD 18 Sep 2006)
Replies: 18
Views: 6989

"Flares" in Eris Photo (APOD 18 Sep 2006)

Anybody have any knowledge regarding what appear to be some sort of prominent "flares" (for lack of a better term) at the 11 and 5 oclock positions in the photo of Eris, APOD, 9/18/06?
by smitty
Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:13 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Two July 3 2006's? (APOD 4 Jul 2006)
Replies: 12
Views: 5319

Two July 3 2006's? (APOD 4 Jul 2006)

Okay, how did we get two July 3 2006's? This must be an astronomical mystery or aberation!