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by JohnD
Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:13 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Roll clouds
Replies: 4
Views: 1580

These occur regularly on the Australian Gulf of Carpentaria, where thye are called the Morning Glory. Those crazy Aussies take switch back rides on them, in microlights! See: ... 0Glory.htm
by JohnD
Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:29 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Good bye APOD
Replies: 15
Views: 3744

CCs thesis is that craterchains are formed by spacewar, not natural means.
Could it be that he has seen the error of his thinking? And has retired in embarassment?
by JohnD
Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:23 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Infrared Helix
Replies: 11
Views: 3127

Why is this star know as the Helix?
Does it appear as a spiral in a smaller view with less resolution?

And is it a disc of material that we see, hence 'planetary' or a globe?

by JohnD
Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:16 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Earthrise
Replies: 27
Views: 8081

Truly an iconic photo.
Probably has been for many, but it's now my screen background. The download from APOD comes up on the desktop without the moon and with the Earth in the right half of the screen - perfect unless you like lots of icons (sic!).
by JohnD
Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:28 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD 14th December 2005 Shadows
Replies: 5
Views: 2206

APOD 14th December 2005 Shadows

All, The history of criticism and cynicism about shadows in space exploration pics is shameful - eg Apollo - and I enjoy this simulated pic of a Mars Rover on its ground, but ...... The shadow of the Rover is shown as diffuse. Shadows in real pics are sharp. Is this supposed to be during a dust stor...
by JohnD
Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:52 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD of June 15, 2005, Cassiopeia A
Replies: 6
Views: 3389

All, The other similar star, V838 Mon has appeared again on APOD - 26th November 2005. In 2003, the Hubble site published a 'video' of this star,, in fact a short series of stills that dissolved, one into the next. Has anyone...
by JohnD
Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:55 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: 4,500 Kilometers Above Dione
Replies: 16
Views: 4960

Craterchains, The original image on APOD is only 156K - how can your superduper monitor show any more detail on that than an ordinary one? So please show us where the craters are, using one line as an example. I enclose a reduced image with arrows that show one 'streak', taken at random, that I can ...
by JohnD
Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:37 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

craterchains, Here's the list of Google hits: 1/ (Your's?) Quote from FIRST paragraph:" After exhausting all other ideas and the given theories surrounding crater chain formations we settle on weapons as the most likely cause." 2/
by JohnD
Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:58 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

Thank you, craterchains, I had almost forgotten this thread! However, I'm worried by your attribution of these markings to "CS crater chains" as Googling for that gets loony "extraterrestrial strafing runs" sites and abusive message boards. I am reassured that "crater chains...
by JohnD
Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:56 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: APOD Oct.03, 2005 Hyperion
Replies: 44
Views: 14757

An anology

All, This object's appearance most reminded me of a barnacle covered rock, from which part of the colony has been ripped. Please note, I am NOT suggesting that Hyperion is animate, just suggesting an anologue. In good conditions, and over a long (biological!) period of time, colonies of barnacles wi...
by JohnD
Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:59 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: How bright could the Galactic Centre be (visible light)?
Replies: 12
Views: 4858

Confirmation from the source

All, Serge Brunier has kindly replied to my query, as follows; __________________________________________ :-((((((((((( Dear John, I'm frustrated by your mail : I think to this picture nearly one year before to go to Chile to take it... My intention was to SHOW OUR MILKY WAY AS IT WAS SEEN FROM OUTS...
by JohnD
Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:31 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: How bright could the Galactic Centre be (visible light)?
Replies: 12
Views: 4858

Sorry to be pedantic, but no one has answered my question. Which is, what is the galaxy shown in that APOD? It looks to be taken from outside the galaxy shown, so it can't be the Milky Way, as we're in it! It could easily be a view of a distant galaxy seen edge on. Or, as I think Empeda implies, thi...
by JohnD
Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:07 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: How bright could the Galactic Centre be (visible light)?
Replies: 12
Views: 4858

Today's APOD purports to be the Milky Way, but is it? Or another galaxy (far, far away?) that happens to be of the same sort and seen edge on from here?


(click here or scroll below - added by makc)
by JohnD
Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:37 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

Makc, Thank you for that advice! This is a gif composite of four images, two of Rhea and two of Dione; in each pair one is from Cassini and one from Voyager. The features in question are marked by arrows. The composite has been compressed to...
by JohnD
Tue May 31, 2005 7:29 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

A composite is ready, but how can I upload it?
by JohnD
Mon May 30, 2005 9:46 am
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

More on Rhea, but nothing about the Line.

My previous post in this thread has been studiously ignored. If I were a conspiracy theorist....... Now the lastest APOD is of Rhea again, but from an angle that doesn't include any features that I can pick out from the previous view. So nothing new about the Line. But it is there! See previous post...
by JohnD
Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:21 pm
Forum: The Bridge: Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day
Topic: Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn
Replies: 11
Views: 7727

Stranger streak - straight lines on satellites of Saturn

All, The APOD for the 15th February showed a new view of Rhea from Cassini, and commented on the wispy white lines on that moon and on Dione. It did not comment on the extraordinary straight line feature that cuts across the globe from 8 o'clock to 5 o'clock in this view. This line is real, not an a...