kjardine wrote:
but if you want a graphic image you can download and view offline, you can find the link at the end of this message. Warning, this is a 21600x600 pixel 22 megabyte file
Huge indeed. An image of a type i have never seen before. So many details that i do not know where to start looking in the first place. And so many questions. To start: what am i looking at? Stars? Nebulae?
Why are the Sh 2 numbers more or less evenly spread?
What kind of items are the Wnumber?
Why have some both a Sh 2 and and a W number?
What are BFS? Why are they not in the center?
The G objects are about 30 degrees from the center. The galactic coordinates are stored in their names. What kind of objects are those?
I suppose this image is a false colour image, since it refers to UV.
Is white bright and hot? Black is dust?
Are the blue objects individual stars, or just noise?
Some of the Sh2 objects, e.g. Sh 2-235 look like tiny spiral arm galaxies. The chance to see those in the plane of our own galaxy are minute. Why do they look like spiral arm galaxies?
Some items, like W16, look like planetary nebulae or puffs of gas from unstable stars. Is that correct?
Why are not the locations of objects evenly distributed, apart from the center? There are definitely lumps, e.g. at 80 degrees, 110 and 290 degrees. Are these locations where the arms of our own galaxy are found?