The Value of Digg to APOD

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Re: The Value of Digg to APOD

by apodman » Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:54 am

makc wrote:or maybe you have some backdoor app running
I definitely have some malware remnants that appear now and then. The cleaners don't do a thorough job, and I kill known evil processes I have identified manually after I boot. A crude method for a cyber-savvy individual who should just reinstall WinXP clean, I admit. But I sliced and diced my local troubleshooting nine ways before and after my last post, and can't find anything that might be responsible for the problem that I started observing last month and continue to observe daily. I've resigned myself to living with it. Some day when I get around to sweeping my side of the street, I'll let you know what happens. Thanks makc for checking it out; a mentat needs data.

Re: The Value of Digg to APOD

by makc » Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:36 pm

I opened up apod in firefox today, with firebug net panel opened. all I saw 2 requests to (5 kb html + 241 kb picture) and 4 requests to digg (2kb, 947 bytes, 406 bytes and 10kb, that took 531ms, 296ms, 313ms and 1.44s correspondingly). NOthing to bitch about, imho, and it still loads from only. Maybe you now have something that acts as a webserver on your machine (, and it takes a while to figure that it cannot serve digg URLs? Misc hardware vendor CDs just love doing this, or maybe you have some backdoor app running :twisted:

Digg Continues to Degrade APOD

by apodman » Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:03 pm

On my Windows (XP) computer, I have had the following lines ...

in the following file ...


for 8 months without incident.

NOW, despite those lines and everything else on my end remaining intact, APOD behavior has changed.

The offending digg link is still disallowed from display (as I want it) but in the meanwhile, there is once again a long delay loading the web page while my status line says "waiting for digg". This has happened at least 3 days in a row now (after happening zero times in 8 months), usually requiring a reload of the page to see the APOD.

So please return the scripts to their previous state. Oh, I guess you can't because it's digg's script causing the problem. That's what you get when you leave the loading of your web page to the mercy of someone else. My opinion is the same as it was last year: get rid of worthless digg.

by apodman » Sat May 24, 2008 1:32 pm

Okay, I edited my hosts file. It worked as advertised. It was very easy. Thanks, Henk, for good instructions. One reason I don't jump on every piece of advice I get is that many instructions don't lead me as clearly where I need to go. Let all the other webmasters know that this action on my part does not establish a precedent, and that patchwork is still not my preferred methodology.

I'll miss that link. I don't want gory details to escape my vision, I just don't want them to slow me down. I'm the kind of guy who displays the full headers in his e-mail for fun (and education).

by apodman » Sat May 24, 2008 1:15 pm

It is too easy to collect a long list of bookmarks or favorites. I try to keep the list trimmed to the basic links and don't make an individual listing for anything I can get to in one additional click. (And I'm being recreationally stubborn about this one.) This keeps my list of links short and has two related additional advantages:

(1) A bookmark or favorites link only needs to be a link, but it is much more than that. Each link gets its own file, takes up an entire allocation unit of disk space, and keeps tracking information on how many visits I've made to that link and when the last one was. By not adding another link to the list, I'm saving all that waste.

(2) When I die and they sift through my browsing history to find out exactly what kind of pervert I was, I don't want them to know the entire extent of my nerdiness as reflected by a statistical analysis of all my favorite nerd links. The paranoia is as recreational as the stubbornness, all by policy.

Grave diggers

by henk21cm » Sat May 24, 2008 9:30 am

apodman wrote:Especially if I've already seen the APOD earlier in the day and all I want to do is scroll down to the "Discuss" link to see what you all have said about it.
Add the link to your favourites. You'll jump directly to the main APOD discussion menu, without the diggscript.

The best thing is to tell your PC not to connect to the digg site. I do not know whether you run Windows or Linux, so here is my cookbook for both. (Thanks to an earlier message, which i can not find anymore in this topic)

Windows (XP):
  • cd c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
    notepad hosts
    add at the bottom of the file: <tab> <tab>
    save the file
Linux (Debian):
  • su -
    cd /etc
    cp hosts hosts.copy
    vi hosts
    <Enter key> <tab> <tab>
    <esc key>
Other Linuxes and Unixes will need similar action.

Now miraculously the entire digg button has vanished, being united with the promisses politicians have made during last election campaign. You don't have to wait anymore for diggscripts, the gravediggers took care of that. This approach is independent of the web browser you use.

One simple request:
  1. Do either of these yourself or
  2. Ask your administrator to do it for you, if you do not have the appropriate privileges (such as being su)

by apodman » Sat May 24, 2008 5:34 am

And maybe you're envisioning me waiting longer than I actually am. In truth, it only takes a couple of seconds to irritate me. Especially if I've already seen the APOD earlier in the day and all I want to do is scroll down to the "Discuss" link to see what you all have said about it. The non-swift execution of the script leaves my finger turning the mouse wheel in vain until it completes. And before you call me easily irritated, I could have said infuriated, but it's really more like "aw, c'mon, not THAT again."

by apodman » Sat May 24, 2008 5:29 am

Incorrect assumption, GG. It is precisely because I have a very high speed connection that it is obvious to me that everything else works fast and this one useless script (I'm assuming without investigation that it simply retrieves the "count" to display - not worth my wait) works slowly.

And I would much rather waste my time typing this stuff than tinker with my settings as a response, for there will always be more things demanding a response if I set that precedent. I have enough tinkering to do already, and APOD is supposed to be a break from tinkering. It says so in my contract.

by Galactic Groove » Fri May 23, 2008 6:04 pm

i would have to assume you dont' have a high speed net connection then? Otherwise I don't see how the script could slow you down that much to even be noticeable. Unfortunately for your case, websites with 1000+ viewers a day seldom cater to 56k modem users. You're going to have to take matters into your own hands and learn about how to set privacy settings in your own browser, perhaps learn how to use the HOSTS file on your computer too (it's simple).

You're attempting to govern something that is open to the public... just like television... ultimately it's your responsibility to block what "you" don't want. Step 1, configure your browser properly. Step 2, voice your opinion like you just have! :)

Back to the main point... i never heard of this Digg site until a few months ago, i never checked it out when i did, and I never plan to. I'm very "anti-ad" as i'm sure almost everyone is but APOD is using them in a very non-pervasive manner. I don't see sidebar ads for Sexy Local Singles so i'm still happy.

Now I am worried that what is deemed popular will reduce the "variety" of posts on APOD, thus reducing exposure to ALL of astronomy. The variety is what's important. I don't want too much of a good thing, it eventually gets dull.

by apodman » Fri May 23, 2008 2:50 am

By "link" I meant "linked script". Don't get me excited. I make mistakes.

by apodman » Fri May 23, 2008 2:48 am

If the internet is a highway, then a link that decides to be terribly slow on random occasions is a pothole. You are entitled to like potholes and carry around your own bag of cold-patch, but I don't dig it.

by apodman » Fri May 23, 2008 2:43 am

... and it's a continued distraction for a serious ranter-wannabe.

I would much rather do my venting about serious subjects like LIGHT POLLUTION and reminding everyone to NAG THEIR LOCAL PLANNER because downward-directed lighting is an option that is often simply overlooked.

Thank you for your kind attention.

by apodman » Fri May 23, 2008 2:38 am

not an ultimatum, simply heartfelt advice

by Arramon » Thu May 22, 2008 10:37 pm

hehhe.... I agree with the 'now' part...



nah... its just that alot of bad things are on that site, so I agree with apodman.

by Dr. Skeptic » Thu May 22, 2008 5:04 pm

An ultimatum should always be accompanied by a consequence.

by NoelC » Thu May 22, 2008 5:18 am


Is running all the scripts from any old site so important to you, apodman, that you feel the need to try to influence others' page design?

You have already been told of a workaround to the problem. There are others that are even less intrusive. You could, for example, add to your Restricted Sites list if you don't want the script from them running.


I'm Serious

by apodman » Thu May 22, 2008 1:05 am

Get rid of digg NOW.

by apodman » Thu May 22, 2008 12:56 am

Now I'm mad. Up until now, it's been opinion without emotion for me. But now the evil digg link is slowing down my view of APOD. There is no reason for this. A link need only be a link, but you've included a script. If it worked like it should (invisibly), I wouldn't have had to go looking for the problem you have caused. The APOD page won't finish loading until the script is done. Well, the script (src="") resides on a remote server where it gets found SLOWLY and gets executed SLOWLY. And it does nothing good or for me nor anything I requested in return. It makes me want to forget about APOD forever because it has become a nuisance to view. Don't tell me to change my browser settings to not allow this script. Let me tell you to get rid of this annoying script along with the link it rode in on. It is not a good idea to let anyone (let alone someone SLOW) other than yourself dictate how quickly your web page loads, and you have gone and done just that. And don't tell me the script needs to be somebody else's to work, because it doesn't; digg just sets it up that way so they can call the shots. Whom do you serve?

by Sputnick » Sun May 04, 2008 4:20 pm

Sue - I didn't even know about EPOD - but earth I see everyday - outer space is a little harder to get to. I prefer going to APOD, but will also start to check out EPOD, not as often though.


by Sue » Sun May 04, 2008 8:37 am

Congrats on an eclectic site that suits me just fine.
I don't use it (DIGGIT) but often send the APOD links to my friends if i think they would like the picture. I check out EPOD as well but not as religiously as APOD.
Love the variety and love earth pictures as well as space pictures.
Would be good if it opened on "the picture of the day" rather than having to click on another page ( small Download limit on my computer)
keep up the good work.

by NoelC » Sun May 04, 2008 4:18 am

As I don't see the Digg link anyway (since I don't allow just any site to run scripts), I have no problem with it being there. :)

Robert and Jerry, I would like to make my opinion known, however... Don't try to use science exclusively to guide you as to what images to choose. Keep part of the judgment with your hearts.

What you have done so far has been successful PRECISELY because you add value by making the choices personally.

Imagine, for example, that bright, colorful images might attract the most attention of the people who click on Digg links. Would that mean that you should only choose bright and colorful images? You might never teach people about asterisms, or comets, or... ???

And also keep in mind that I'm probably not alone in reconfiguring my browser in a fashion so as not to even display the link. Should you ignore conscientious, security-minded people?

I suggest that if you want a true reading of the numbers of people who enjoy (or don't enjoy) a particular image, provide your very own thumbs-up and thumbs-down feedback buttons, and disconnect yourselves from others trying to make a buck off the web.


by Sputnick » Thu May 01, 2008 8:22 pm

RJN - your comment that 'what topics are particularly apealing...." could lead to choice of APOD photos. Won't it get boring to talk about the same type of photo .. the same topics? Personally, I prefer things the way they are, a good variety.

by adrianxw » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:29 am

is what you should do about it, instead of bi***ing here... IMHO.
No. Ignoring non-astronomical images, like todays for example, does not send any message to the editors. They want to know what pictures are popular, fine, positive feedback on good ones, but which ones really stink?

by canyonero » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:55 am

if you click the "digg it" button at the bottom of the page, you will be bookmarking the apod page on the social networking site seeing as this process puts a link on the website for hundreds of thousands of people to see, i don't see how there is a problem at all with the button. the higher the ranking, the more people on digg will click the link back to apod. this is exposure and free traffic to the apod website. if a curious digg user clicks the link to the apod page and likes what he/she sees, apod may have a brand new daily reader. this is a good thing. you people need to quit bitching and do some research before you start whining about a potentially good thing for apod. i say kudos to the digg link.

there are also a few dozen other social bookmarking websites that may add to the exposure and popularity of apod, including stumbleupon,, and reddit.

makc wrote:
RJN wrote:Possibly we could even rotate them. If so, are there any suggestions about which ones (social bookmarking sites) would be particularly relevant? - RJN
check here

by makc » Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:10 pm

RJN wrote:Possibly we could even rotate them. If so, are there any suggestions about which ones (social bookmarking sites) would be particularly relevant? - RJN
check here
adrianxw wrote:Where do we click to register a vote that we don't like an item, todays for example, another non-astronomical image.
Digg provides an option to bury item :)
Phil G wrote:I have seen the little Digg sign at the bottom ot the APOD, but since there are no instructions or any other information about it, I have simply ignored it.
This, my unhappy-with-digg friends, is what you should do about it, instead of bi***ing here... IMHO.
