Rumors of a Strange Universe (APOD 24 Dec 2006)

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Expand view Topic review: Rumors of a Strange Universe (APOD 24 Dec 2006)

by harry » Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:56 am

Hello All

Kovil you are down to earth in your thinking.

I agree with what you say.

I have let go of BBT as it has too many problems that observational data is exposing. I'd rather focus on something that has more promise.

Viewing Energy as 'the Infinite' , as energy in neither created nor destroyed, what could be more infinite ? !

As for energy and matter we are loking at the dofferent phases of matter or you could see it as different phases of energy.

re Hologram ; toejam

by kovil » Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:00 pm

toejam !!! great post !!!

Now that I read it slowly ! haha, I see what you mean.

Isn't it funny how it gets off into religion !

This hologram concept is very close to Dobson and Vedanta in how Energy pervades the Undivided and resonates to produce Matter.

More contemplation in order to Surrender to it and know it.

one day while surrendering to the universe the quote " Matter is a special state that Energy has the ability to assume" arrived. It has held water ever since ! Grace

Another Run-on post !!

by kovil » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:47 pm

Hi Harry, Isn't it funny, when one gets deep enough into science, it starts to sound like religion ! LOL Which immediately turns everyone off, or they get highly resistant to listening. I do too, but I notice my reaction as well. My profound appreciation to APOD for providing this forum to express upon.

Now what was the question ?

BBT as a hologram.

BBT is exceptionally well received by the Vatican, as it fits hand in glove with their theology. This is one reason it is so grippingly clung to by institutions of higher learning, as they in America and most english speaking countries are also Catholic or Christian oriented. The unconscious mind is also attracted by the correspondence with religion.

Unfortunately, data from observation in the last 50 years is pulling the rug out from under BBT, and security patches are being slapped on in growing numbers in the attempt to keep BBT from coming apart at the seams. (the cosmological constant, red shift blabla, Dark Energy Dark Matter etc.) There are a surprising number of scientists who are afraid of losing their 'religion'. ! Eventually the data will be incontrovertible, however it will be decades until the Church lets go. But religion aside, it does get to the basic underlying question of "where did the universe come from" , and that we most likely will never be able to answer, except in a religious way of thinking, or faith.

Definition of a religious war; two groups going to war over a difference of opinion, about something we can never know the truth of anyway. This has got to be the most insane thing humans do, but how many religious wars have been fought in human history ? (I suspect the Christians and the Muslims are going at it again for the umpteenth time, presently)

Back on topic; BBT is a fascinating idea, and I was enthralled with it in the 60's. From my college studies of philosophy and comparative religions, Hindu cosmology appealed more to me later on, the pulsating universe; where it expands and finally collapses back into a fireball only to explode and start the universe all over again. That concept appeals to my unconscious religious sense most; yet, the razors edge of density to allow the expansion to reverse into collapse is thought to be much to fine to happen. So like Dobson says, focus on what is real and get rid of the make believe.

From my studies with Dobson during his 5 week, once a year classes, over 5 years; I began to get a handle on what his ideas are. (It did take a while as it is most different; and he gets into Vedanta so much it turns most people off very quickly; it took a while to get past all that.)

Apologies for all the prerequisite qualifying statements;

BBT focuses on high energy density declining into the formation of matter and particles and spreading outward, and also expanding dimensionally to produce the space-time we observe. This is BBT's attempt to explain as Dobson calls it ' apparitional causation' or the act of becoming visible by the universe. Wheeler and Feynman describe it another way in their paper "The Absorber as the Mechanism for Radiation" in which energy waves move in opposite directions, and when they meet the amplitudes rise up or down, just like in a 'ripple tank' in physics class.

[took a pause to submit and then edit so as not to lose the post!]

Back to Feynman, so as the backward and forward energy waves meet and the amplitudes behave like a ripple tank, those amplitude spikes, we call 'particles' of 'matter'. Matter is nothing more than an 'energy density' in a particular location. As the interference pattern of the energy waves is caused to shift, that location of the amplitude spike can suddenly, immediately, go scooting off in almost any direction, and at the speed of light, because it is only an interference pattern node, of light speed energy waves intersecting. And that intersection point can also shift at the speed of light , just as the waves causing that interference point can move at the speed of light !

I have come around to the view that the universe is filled with Energy, and that Energy moves and intersects and those intersections are a special state that Energy has the ability to assume, and we call that Matter.
"Matter is a special state that Energy has the ability to assume."

I have let go of BBT as it has too many problems that observational data is exposing. I'd rather focus on something that has more promise.

Viewing Energy as 'the Infinite' , as energy in neither created nor destroyed, what could be more infinite ? !

One thought experiment could be to attempt to calculate "what is the total energy content of the universe"? What is the average 'energy density' of our solar system? Our Galaxy? our neighborhood radius including the Virgo supercluster?

If we consider our 'awareable universe' to extend to whatever gives us the CMBR, what is the average energy density within that sphere ? Giving us the total energy content of the universe of which we can be aware of, as anything beyond that distance we are not aware of, as no light-speed information can reach us. We are in a hole in a very large Swiss Cheese ! And that hole is all we can ever know about. Yet like mice we are most curious about the Cheese !!! LOL


A hologram contains all parts of all parts within each small part, and this idea is very much in correspondence with BBT dimensional expansion theory.

My instinct surmises we are trying to compare applets and orangelets tho.
As energy phenomena and space-time phenomena are not the same animals. There may be a pattern similarity, but the underlying reality is different. Like comparing tree leaf vein patterns with large structure river flow patterns on a continent, there are fractal mathematical correspondences , but there is also a fundamental difference as well.

But then, hey, I'm just an amateur, so what do i know?


In Summary, the space-time continuum; where space keeps everything from happening all in the same place, and time keeps everything from happening all at once; Energy pervades everything everywhere. As the quantum energy potential fluctuations ebb and flow, and Matter is somehow decided upon to appear from the Energy interactions, a transformation ensues and larger atomic structures are produced by gravity within stars. Novas throw the large atoms all over the place and planets coalesce therefrom. Life forms grow and develop and contemplate the origin and constitution of the Universe !! Consciousness and Time are somehow connected, and that Dualism helps keep the Space component from disappearing, as well as all that stuff that Dobson talks about in the preceding posts.

as Lily Tomlin said, "and that's the Truth"
and Lowell Thomas, "and so long until tomorrow"

by BMAONE23 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:45 pm

by toejam » Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:06 pm

harry wrote:Hello Kovil

What do you think of the BBT?
Hello both.
What do you think of reality as a hologram: :D :shock:

by harry » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:22 am

Hello Kovil

What do you think of the BBT?

The Bright Side of the Road

by kovil » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:10 pm

Hi Harry, (be sure to click/drag/copy the previous post before it disappears !)

Todays apod discuss has a portion of how I see things; from the inside!
CMBR as being magnetic field line events (like the surface of our sun has) but we are seeing the spherical shell of our observable universe from the inside.

Dobson brought the picture of the how and why, existence exists into focus.
The next conundrum is how does consciousness tie into the picture?
That is still a mystery.

-- for an additional universe view, (a last year 3 part post on Yahoo by me)


(Geopolitics can be such a dismal subject)

Here's the Bright Side of the Road.

As we step into a conversation in progress about evolution and the nature of consciousness in Freeman Dyson's book 'Disturbing the Universe': p247

" The penguins flipper, the nest building instinct of the swallow, the eye of the hawk, all declare, like the stars and the planets in Addison's eighteenth-century hymn, "The hand that made us is divine." Then came Darwin and Huxley, claiming that the penguin and the swallow and the hawk could be explained by the process of natural selection operating on random hereditary variations over long periods of time."


My reaction to that was swift;
It is not random - if I want a better eye, my consciousness strives for that, and my DNA will induce a better eye in a subsequent generation. Consciousness alters DNA.

(now of course Dyson was summarizing Darwin's point of view. He soon adds his own point of view)


p.249 " But I, as a physicist cannot help suspecting that there is a logical connection between the two ways in which mind appears in my universe. I cannot help thinking that our awareness of our own brains has something to do with the process which we call "observation" in atomic physics. That is to say, I think our consciousness is not just a passive epiphenomenon carried along by the chemical event in our brains, but is an active agent forcing the molecular complexes to make the choices between one quantum state and another. In other words, mind is already inherent in every electron, and the processes of human consciousness differ only in degree but not in kind from the processes of choice between quantum states which we call "chance" when they are made by electrons."

p.250-51 " There are some striking examples in the laws of nuclear physics of numerical accidents that seem to conspire to make the universe habitable. The strength of the attractive nuclear forces is just sufficient to overcome the electrical repulsion between the positive charges in the nuclei of ordinary atoms such as oxygen or iron. But the nuclear forces are not quite strong enough to bind together two protons (hydrogen nuclei) into a bound system, which would be called a diproton if it existed.
If the nuclear forces had been slightly stronger than they are, the diproton would exist and almost all the hydrogen in the universe would have been combined into diprotons and heavier nuclei. Hydrogen would have been a rare element, and stars like the sun, which live for a long time by the slow burning of hydrogen in their cores, could not exist. On the other hand, if the nuclear forces had been substantially weaker than they are, hydrogen could not burn at all and there would be no heavy elements. If, as seems likely, the evolution of life requires a star like the sun, supplying energy at a constant rate for billions of years, then the strength of nuclear forces had to lie within a rather narrow range to make life possible."


Here we are in danger of constructing a circular arguement, where the result implies the previous conditions.

Benny Hill comes to mind in one of my favorite of his skits; where he is proclaiming
" How did God know man was going to invent glasses? But look where He put our ears !"
As he dons his reading glasses.


to continue; " A similar but independent numerical accident appears in connection with the weak interaction by which hydrogen actually burns in the sun. The weak interaction is millions of times weaker than the nuclear force (often called the strong nuclear force). If the weak interaction were much stronger or much weaker, any forms of life dependent on sunlike stars would again be in difficulties."

" The facts of astronomy include some other numerical accidents that work to our advantage. For example, the universe is built on such a scale that the average distance between stars in an average galaxy like ours is about twenty million million miles, an extravagantly large distance by human standards. If a scientist asserts that the stars at these immense distances have a decisive effect on the possibility of human existence, he will be suspected of being a believer in astrology. But it happens to be true that we could not have survived if the average distance between stars were only two million million miles instead of twenty. If the distance had been smaller by a factor of ten, there would have been a high probability that another star, at some time during the four billion years that the earth has existed, would have passed by the sun close enough to disrupt with its gravitational field the orbits of the planets. To destroy life on earth, it would not be necessary to pull the earth out of the solar system. It would be sufficient merely to pull the earth into a moderately eccentric elliptical orbit."

" All the rich diversity of organic chemistry depends on a delicate balance between electrical and quantum-mechanical forces. The balance exists only because the laws of physics include an "exclusion principle" which forbids two electrons to occupy the same state.
If the laws were changed so that electrons no longer excluded each other, none of our essential chemistry would survive. There are many other lucky accidents in atomic physics. Without such accidents, water could not exist as a liquid, chains of carbon atoms could not form complex organic molecules, and hydrogen atoms could not form breakable bridges between molecules."

" I conclude from the existence of these accidents of physics and astronomy that the universe is an unexpectedly hospitable place for living creatures to make their home in. Being a scientist, trained in the habits of thought and language of the twentieth century rather than the eighteenth, I do not claim that the architecture of the universe proves the existence of God, I claim only that the architecture of the universe is consistent with the hypothesis that mind plays an essential role in its functioning."


I had been loosely contemplating all of this earlier this morning, after reading Dyson's chapter last night, and when clicking into the Astronomy Picture of the Day, for today, what should be today's; Jan 22,2006

[ ]

(photo with explanation)

D. rad Bacteria: Candidate Astronauts
Credit: Michael Daly (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences), DOE

Explanation: These bacteria could survive on another planet. In an Earth lab, Deinococcus radiodurans (D. rad) survive extreme levels of radiation, extreme temperatures, dehydration, and exposure to genotoxic chemicals. Amazingly, they even have the ability to repair their own DNA, usually within 48 hours. Known as an extremophile, bacteria such as D. rad are of interest to NASA partly because they might be adaptable to help human astronauts survive on other worlds. A recent map of D. rad's DNA might allow biologists to augment their survival skills with the ability to produce medicine, clean water, and oxygen. Already they have been genetically engineered to help clean up spills of toxic mercury. Likely one of the oldest surviving life forms, D. rad was discovered by accident in the 1950s when scientists investigating food preservation techniques could not easily kill it. Pictured above, Deinococcus radiodurans grow quietly in a dish.


<< " Amazingly, they even have the ability to repair their own DNA, usually within 48 hours." >>

may we rest our case?

===== end of post

Somehow the Ratio of Space to Time, which is how this universe is built, and it shows up as the 'speed of light' limit; I suspect is related in how consciousness is differentiated from the material aspect.
The physical world is transformational, and energy, gravity and inertia make the transformations. Sentiency is a way that the physical world sprang into being in the first place, it is the apparitional causation, and as such is a 'different animal' from the physical world. It sets-up another duality to keep the plurality from collapsing. Perhaps Time is another duality that keeps some plurality from collapsing as well. I do not understand any of this well enough to give a clear description. The best I can do is turn or push in the correct direction, and modify that push/turn as understandings come along.
I do suspect that sentiency can modify the physical world. Like consciousness causing improvements in the DNA, to effect an improvement in subsequent generations or iterations (it is not by blind accident ! )
After a certain band of chimps lived at the seashore in east africa for 6 million years, the aquatic adapted mammal known today as homosapian exists because our 'free will' wanted bodily changes that adapted to life in warm ocean waters.
In the 1920's, were there any women who looked like the movie stars of today? Where did all those 'California Girls' come from? Consciousness modifies DNA !!!

by harry » Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:40 pm

Hello Kovil

G'day, G'day and how ya going mate from the land of ozzzzz.

Nice reading.

Degenrate matter and plasma cosmology is the future in cosmology. There lies the keys to the universe.

Tell me Kovil, what are your thoughts on the universe.

One for Harry !

by kovil » Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:53 pm

Harry, we must be on the same wavelength, I've been doing a rewrite of one of Dobson's papers all morning. Editing, expanding, clarifying, and rewriting. The bulk of it is his, but he often writes in an obscure and confusing way of speaking, and doesn't expand enough to make the points very clear. So I added my nickel's worth !

Physics and Vedanta

by, John L. Dobson , copyright 2002
edited, expanded, clarified and rewritten by Tagaard , 2006

"The constitution of the Universe may be put in first place among all natural things that can be known." Galileo Galilei

That of course is the task of the physicist, to see if he can figure out the constitution of the Universe. I went to the University of California at Berkley in 1934 to study biochemistry in the hopes of keeping Einstein alive beyond his normal lifespan; so that he could figure it out. I now believe that it is impossible to figure it out without the help of the Vedantins as well.

What we call the philosophy of Vedanta (and I don't mean the practice, but the philosophy behind the practice of what we call Advaita Vedanta) was apparently invented by some very sharp physicists in India a long time ago. A great deal of that old physics, including the identity of mass and energy (the understanding of which, in modern times, went through Swami Vivekananda to Nicola Tesla and Mileva Einstein) is built into the Sanskrit language, and the Sanskrit language is very old indeed. Those physicists discovered some very interesting and important physics, which we desperately need to know now if we're going to figure this thing out; being, What are the constitutional constituents of this Universe?

The Sanskrit word for this Universe is Jagat, the changing. Those old physicists were smart enough to see that since change is seen against a background of something that is not changing, there must be, underlying this changing visible universe, a fundamental existence which is Changeless ! This underlying universe, to the universe which we do see, in addition to being ‘not changing’, they reasoned it must also be ‘not finite’ and ‘not divided’. This would place the underlying existence of the universe, ‘not in space’ and ‘not in time’; which would therefore make the underlying existence Changeless, Infinite, and Undivided !
And that, they called Brahman.

The problem then arose, "How then, do we see change? If what exists is changeless, how do we see a Universe of change?" and they said, "It can only be by mistake." And so they studied mistakes; if they hadn't studied mistakes, they might have missed the successful path to revelation.

For example, they pointed out that in order to mistake a piece of rope for a snake, (on the roadside at dusk in India) there are three mistakes that one must make. First, one must fail to see that it's a rope. (This they called the veiling power of the mistake, Avarana Shakti.) Next, one must jump to the wrong conclusion that it is a snake. (This they called the projecting power of the mistake, Vikshepa Shakti.) But finally, one must have actually seen the length and diameter of the rope, as the shape of a snake. (This they called the revealing power of the mistake, Prakasha Shakti.) This third part is what is so very important to our physics. It is because of the revealing power; that the changeless, the infinite, the undivided, must show through into our physics. Because if one did not notice the ‘rope’ at all, it never would have been mistaken for a ‘snake’.

Those old physicists sometimes referred to these three aspects of a misperception as black, red and white. Black refers to the veiling power by the darkness of evening twilight; red to the fact that the misperception was colored by the projecting power of imagination; and white to the partially revealing power of the light of twilight (if you hadn't seen the rope in the first place, you never would have mistaken it for a snake!).
They also referred to these three aspects, as the three Gunas (Tamas, Raja, and Sattva).

The mistake of seeing the underlying existence as being in time and space, when it really isn’t in space and time, they called Maya or Prakriti; the first cause, and it is said to be made of the three Gunas; Tamas, Raja, Sattva. Tamas is said to have the veiling power. Rajas is said to have the projecting power. Sattva is said to have the revealing power. The veiling and projecting powers are presumably native to the human genetic programming, of which we are all subjected to, but the revealing power, which is the most important to our physics, is native to sentiency itself.
To quote the Panchamahabhuta Sutras,
"As if being hidden, through the veiling power of Tamas,
the nature of Brahman, through the revealing power of Sattva, shone in the otherness,
for which through the projecting power of Rajas, it is, as it were, mistaken."

What we see as energy, (the Vedantins call the Infinite) is a result of our mistake, because the underlying existence (the Changeless, the Infinite, the Undivided) must show through into the Universe which we do see. But we see the Infinite as being finite, small electrical particles we call electrons, protons and photons. Yet energy is neither created nor destroyed , it is Infinite ! constantly morphing into different incarnations.

The concept of energy did not arise in European physics until 1845 with Thomas Young. The old physicists of India saw that the whole Universe is made of energy, which they called Shakti. Shakti is a part of the underlying existence called Brahman.

According to the Vedantins, the first cause of our physics is Vivarta, apparitional causation. The creator breathed and the Universe came into being. After that, things proceed by Parinama, transformational causation. Energy, inertia, gravity, all cause transformations that have results based on cause and effect. The origin of the Universe is apparitional; it is not something that came from something else, by changing. It originated from we know not what. Now that the Universe is here, it operates by cause and effect, transformational causation.

The underlying existence shows through into our Universe as energy, as gravity, as inertia; they cause the transformations. Parinama is what we European physicists usually think of as causation. It is governed by the conservation laws. The form of the energy may change but the amount of energy, in any change, does not change; the laws of thermodynamics describe this effect.

The electrical energy (energy being the Infinite) of an electrical particle would go to zero if, and only if, the size of that electrical particle went to the size of the known universe. The gravitational energy (gravitation being the Undivided) of the Universe would go to zero if, and only if, the dividedness of the known Universe went to zero. Infinity and Undividedness are written into our physics as Energy and Gravitation. Changelessness is written in as Inertia/Momentum. Time shows up in our physics within the inertia/momentum constituent portion. We see Time as Change, yet Changelessness is the underlying component; that which is without time. Perhaps this is how sentiency, or awareness, is pervasive throughout the Universe.

Had those old physicists known what we know now; that the Universe is made of hydrogen and that the hydrogen is made of electrons and protons, they would have seen that the Changeless shows through in the hydrogen, as its inertia. The Infinite shows through in the hydrogen as its electrical energy. The Undivided shows through in the hydrogen as its gravity, and the attraction between electrical opposites. Richard Feynman has pointed out that although we know how things fall, we have no knowledge of why they fall, and that although we know how things coast or stay at rest, we have no knowledge of why they coast or stay at rest. Einstein has made a similar remark about electricity, namely that we cannot comprehend, on theoretical grounds, why matter should appear as discrete electrical particles. Those older physicists knew why ! ! !

Only the primordial hydrogen arises by Vivarta (apparitional causation) from the Changeless, the Infinite and the Undivided, and shows through into this Universe located in space and time. Everything else that we see arises from that universal hydrogen by Parinama (transformational causation). The details are in Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler and Hoyle, "Synthesis of the Elements in Stars". We know now that the hydrogen falls together by transformational causation (gravity) and makes galaxies and stars, planets and people. Even the bodies of living organisms arise by transformational causation (electro/chemical), but the notion that one (one’s soul or spirit or consciousness) IS such a body, is again, a personal mistake.

Our physics does not at this time understand how one’s consciousness/soul/spirit is connected to or inhabits one’s body. The transformational machinations of the primordial hydrogen within the gravitationally formed stars, creates by inertial/momentum interactions all of the heavier elements from which our bodies are composed. Our body lives in a universe of space and time and is the vessel or portal through which our consciousness/spirit/soul looks out upon or connects thru into this existence. But transformational causation does not explain how consciousness/spirit/soul comes into this Universe, on a renewing basis of newly formed bodies which provide the portal for that spirit.

The philosophy of the Advaita Vedantins take all of this old physics for granted. It is even taken for granted that there is but one reality behind both the individual and the Universe, Ayam Atma Brahma, this Atman is Brahman. (Atman is the reality behind the ego, and Brahman is the reality behind the Universe.) It is also taken for granted that if what we think we are seeing is by the result of a mistake, it must be possible to see through that mistake somehow. It must be possible to see through the ego to the Atman, and through the Universe to Brahman.

Now those old Vedantins were not content simply to understand all this in their intellects. When they discovered that there must be an existence underlying the world which we see, their question was, "Can we teach it?" This was the effort that swept thru India in those days, and that is why we have the Upanishads with all those stirring declarations. Revelations and insights achieved through the correction of previous mistakes.

"All this is Brahman. Let a man meditate on that, this visible world as beginning, ending and breathing it in, the Brahman."

"Not there the Sun shines, nor moon nor star. There the lightning does not flash, nor how could this fire? That shining, after-shines all this. By its light all this is lit."

"That which is beyond this world is without form and without suffering. Those who know it become immortal."

"I know that great Purusha of sun-like luster beyond the darkness. A man who knows Him truly passes over death. There is no other path to go."

"Only when men shall roll up the sky like a hide will there be an end of misery, unless That has first been known."

"The infinite alone is happiness. There is no happiness in the superficial. Even the small has greatness."

For us physicists there is still a question. Why is it that the underlying existence as seen by us is hydrogen?

Perhaps those older physicists would have pointed out, that in order to see, in space and time, that which is NOT in space and time, there must be a problem (a paradox to sustain it).

If the One (Brahman) were to be seen as two, the Undividedness showing through (gravity), would bring the two together. What could stop it? Similarly, if the One were to be seen as Many the Undividedness showing through would still bring the manyness together. But, if the One were to be seen as a Duality within a Plurality. Then the plurality could keep the duality from collapsing by electrical attraction, and the duality could keep the plurality from collapsing by gravity. This would be because neither could be seen alone without the other component being intertwined. This is an extremely interesting concept, and it shows up this way in our physics !

Electrical attraction collapses the duality, gravitational attraction collapses the plurality, and because they are intertwined they create a ‘Mexican Standoff ’, and neither can collapse to completion because a resistance builds that stops the collapse.

What we see in this Universe is an electrical duality (the electrons [-] and the protons [+] of the hydrogen atoms) against a gravitational plurality (the dispersion of the atoms through a very large space-time). The undividedness principle shows through as gravity (in the plurality) and as the attraction between electrical plus and minus (in the duality). The collapse of the electrical duality in the hydrogen atom is prevented by what we call Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, because the proton is involved in the gravitational plurality and the electron is not ! The collapse of the gravitational space-time plurality is prevented by Pauli's exclusion principle, because the neutrons have only ‘one-half integer’ of spin. Particles of half-integer spin, fermions, must have antisymmetric wavefunctions.

The Pauli exclusion principle is one of the most important principles in physics, primarily because the three types of particles from which ordinary matter is made, electrons, protons, and neutrons, are all subject to it. Consequently all material particles exhibit a space-occupying nature. The Pauli exclusion principle underpins many of the characteristic properties of matter, from the large-scale stability of matter to the existence of the periodic table of the elements.

The principle states that identical fermions cannot be squeezed into each other, hence our everyday observations that material objects collide rather than pass straight through each other, and that we are able to stand on the ground without sinking through it. Another consequence of the principle is the elaborate electron shell structure of atoms and of the way atoms share electrons, giving rise to a wide variety of chemical elements and their combinations. Since electrons are fermions, the Pauli exclusion principle forbids them from occupying the same quantum state, or space, so electrons have to ‘pile on top of each other in shells’ within the atom.

Astronomy provides another spectacular demonstration of this effect, in the form of white dwarf stars and neutron stars. For both such bodies, their usual atomic structure is disrupted by large gravitational forces, leaving the constituents supported by ‘degeneracy pressure’ alone. This exotic form of matter is known as degenerate matter. In white dwarfs, the atoms are held apart by the degeneracy pressure of the electrons. In neutron stars, which exhibit even larger gravitational forces, the electrons have merged with the protons to form neutrons, which produce an even larger degeneracy pressure. Neutrons are the most ‘rigid’ objects known, their bulk modulus, or inflexibility, is 20 orders of magnitude stronger than that of a diamond. That’s 10 x 20 power !

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle does not prevent the collapse of the duality between the electron and the positron (an electron with a positive charge) because gravity is not involved in the rest energy of either particle. But it does prevent the collapse of the electrical duality in the hydrogen atom (proton - electron) because the rest energy of the proton is related to its gravitational separation from all of the rest of the matter in the observable Universe, and the electron’s is not.

As Richard Feynman has pointed out, "The electron is purely 'electrical' and the proton is not." The proton has an inherent inertia component and the electron does not. This is what sets up the paradox between the Duality and the Plurality.

Pauli's exclusion principle does not prevent Boson particles (those with a full integer of spin) from sitting together, but it does prevent fermions from sitting together. This exclusionary pressure resists the attractive force exerted by the undividedness principle, and keeps the plurality from collapsing by gravity. Black holes may be the only exception.

Heisenberg and Pauli both saw through mistakes, and expressed their seeing in mathematics and philosophy, two subjects which usually do not sit together, and that makes it much more difficult to understand quickly.

The spiritual practices of the Advaita Vedantins follow the cosmology of those old physicists. If we have mistaken the real for the make believe, there are four things to do about it.
First, discriminate between the real and the make believe!
Next, give up the make believe!
Third, give up the attachment to the fruits of your actions!
Fourth, give up the expectation that through transformational causation you'll reach the underlying existence!
This is Karma Yoga, the path of action, and finally;
Keep your body and mind in such fantastic shape that you can get the job done!
That's called Raja Yoga, the royal path.

Sri Ramakrishna saw the underlying existence manifesting in time and space, as Mother, and said that we are not the doers. Mother is the doer. And Lao Tzu said, "To Her only I bow, trusting Her now and forever."

If it were impossible to see through this mistake to the underlying existence, we would not have the Upanishads and the lives of the saints.

Mother is the hydrogen. Mother is the star.
She falls it all together to make us what we are.
She makes the heavy elements and throws them all around.
To make the rocky planets with soil on the ground.
She scatters the ingredients across the planet Earth.
Assembling them with sunlight to give us all our birth.
She shines the sun on all these plants; the oxygen is waste.
We munch the plants, and huff and puff, and run around in haste.
But we, poor dears, so mean of heart, assume we're in the know,
And thinking we can manage, fail to see Who really runs the show.

If, in time and space, the changeless didn't show through, we wouldn't have inertia. If the infinite didn't show through, we wouldn't have electricity. And if the undivided didn't show through, we wouldn't have gravity and the attraction between opposites. Also, if the duality didn't keep up the plurality, we wouldn't have the atomic table. And if the plurality didn't keep up the duality, we wouldn't have atoms at all. That's how I see it.

"Space is not that which separates the many, but that which seems to separate the one. And in that space that oneness shines, therefore falls whatever falls." John L. Dobson February 28, 2002

Rumors of a Strange Universe (APOD 24 Dec 2006)

by harry » Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:35 am

Hello All

Re link 24th Dec 2006
Rumors of a Strange Universe

Eight years ago results were first presented indicating that most of the energy in our universe is not in stars or galaxies but is tied to space itself. In the language of cosmologists, a large cosmological constant is directly implied by new distant supernovae observations
Results ... .193.3904A

I cannot see the evidence from the results.
Can someone have a look.

To me, the scientists are looking for what they want to see with a BB line of thinking.
