by cdenney » Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:45 pm
OK, so I see this picture of "craters" and I'm confused, cause it looks like bumps. So I download the picture by clicking on it, following the link shows a 90 degree cw rotation of the image. (still seeing bumps)
I load it into photoshop and rotate the image back to the original orientation and reverse the colors, tada now it looks like craters, but odd color. meh
D'oh! now I try horizontal flipping, and it works fine, as does a 180 degree rotation fro the original, or 90 deg cw from the file.
Now the cool part:
In one degree increments I rotate the image back ccw, I can get to about 45 degrees ccw before starting to lose the "craterness" of the objects in the picture. Then if I look away from, say, a 30 ccw rotation... bumpy again.
So my brain can be trained, a bit, to see it correctly. Might work better if I tried it with a printout.
It's like a one page optical illusions book.
I liked the esa link too, thanks.
OK, so I see this picture of "craters" and I'm confused, cause it looks like bumps. So I download the picture by clicking on it, following the link shows a 90 degree cw rotation of the image. (still seeing bumps)
I load it into photoshop and rotate the image back to the original orientation and reverse the colors, tada now it looks like craters, but odd color. meh
D'oh! now I try horizontal flipping, and it works fine, as does a 180 degree rotation fro the original, or 90 deg cw from the file.
Now the cool part:
In one degree increments I rotate the image back ccw, I can get to about 45 degrees ccw before starting to lose the "craterness" of the objects in the picture. Then if I look away from, say, a 30 ccw rotation... bumpy again.
So my brain can be trained, a bit, to see it correctly. Might work better if I tried it with a printout.
It's like a one page optical illusions book. :)
I liked the esa link too, thanks.