Update on APOD Discord server and bot:
Three of the respondent developers worked together to develop an APOD bot. We have chosen one's existing bot and proceeded with that. Issues are fixed and upgrades have been made. Now Discord bot is available to:
- Publish APODs every day within 5 minutes after midnight.
- This is published as an embed with an image and the explanation.
- Copyright information is also added to the footnote section.
- Clicking on the embed title directs to that day's APOD (previous ones had issues with this)
- Clicking on the image expands the image.
- The bot is now using slash commands.
- These commands also include some features such as: Calling a certain APOD with a given date, and uploading an image returns nova.astrometry results of that region and shows the stellar objects.
- If an APOD is in video format, the bot posts the link on the Youtube (an embed will be added as well)
- The sidebar color which is currently gray will be changed as well.
Also, the server is established. Spam bots are set, permissions and roles are defined, and channels are created. We will try to get our server verified and announce it soon. After gaining some audience, we may add new features on make tweaks according to the server's needs. Below is a screenshot of the bot's post.