by Psnarf » Sun May 05, 2013 12:31 pm
I can't imagine how such a structure forms. I'm grateful for this image. The last time I tried watching teevee, the tagalong cameraperson focused on the stormchasers, their wows and exclamations, how fast the base was rotating, but there was no movie camera on a tripod with a telephoto lens to zoom in on the details of the base of the supercell. I guess that sort of nonsense sells advertising time, since that is, after all, their prime directive. It's not impossible, news cameras of days long gone could set up, get the footage, then escape to safety, their work featured on the newsreels shown in movie theaters instead of goofy coming attractions.
I can't imagine how such a structure forms. I'm grateful for this image. The last time I tried watching teevee, the tagalong cameraperson focused on the stormchasers, their wows and exclamations, how fast the base was rotating, but there was no movie camera on a tripod with a telephoto lens to zoom in on the details of the base of the supercell. I guess that sort of nonsense sells advertising time, since that is, after all, their prime directive. It's not impossible, news cameras of days long gone could set up, get the footage, then escape to safety, their work featured on the newsreels shown in movie theaters instead of goofy coming attractions.