There are very many nice images here, but I only have time for a few comments.
César, thank you for the comparison between the Sun and the Moon! It's a very fine image, and it's a reminder of one of those incredible coincidences of life here on Earth, that the Sun and the Moon, which are so incredibly different in size, seem to have the same angular size when from the Earth. Amazing.
Tunç Tezel, you are another of the highly skilled mainstays of this forum. I love images like the one you posted here. Apart from showing the general brilliance of the winter sky, it sure does justice to Jupiter's magnificence this autumn.
Catalin Beldea, that's a lovely image of a small part of the little blue miracle that is our home in the cosmos.
Chandrashekar, that is such a beautiful image of a starry sky and thunderstorm clouds! And I was happy to identify the Teapot, Sagittarius.
Jimmy Westlake, that's a lovely image. Note brilliant Jupiter, delightful Pleiades, the Alpha Persei group and the Andromeda Galaxy!
Michał Żołnowski, that's a very interesting narrowband image of the IC 410 and NGC 1893 region in Auriga.
Leonardo Orazi, I'm always happy to see your delightful RGB images here!
Lorenzo Siciliano, that's a great image of NGC 6946. The Fireworks Galaxy, indeed! What a supernova factory!
Manuel Jimenez, that's a great deep portrait of the Ring Nebula, M57, and spiral galaxy IC 1296.
Pitwi, Peter, I love your horse statue with constellation Pegasus in the background. I'm always particularly happy to see one of my favorite blue stars, Gamma Pegasi, being photographed!
There are a lot of truly impressive Sun prominences and sunspot images here. Thanks to all who contributed!
Rolf Geissinger, I like both of your NGC 7822 images! Thanks!
Again, thanks to all who contributed!
There are very many nice images here, but I only have time for a few comments.
César, thank you for the comparison between the Sun and the Moon! It's a very fine image, and it's a reminder of one of those incredible coincidences of life here on Earth, that the Sun and the Moon, which are so incredibly different in size, seem to have the same angular size when from the Earth. Amazing.
Tunç Tezel, you are another of the highly skilled mainstays of this forum. I love images like the one you posted here. Apart from showing the general brilliance of the winter sky, it sure does justice to Jupiter's magnificence this autumn.
Catalin Beldea, that's a lovely image of a small part of the little blue miracle that is our home in the cosmos.
Chandrashekar, that is such a beautiful image of a starry sky and thunderstorm clouds! And I was happy to identify the Teapot, Sagittarius.
Jimmy Westlake, that's a lovely image. Note brilliant Jupiter, delightful Pleiades, the Alpha Persei group and the Andromeda Galaxy! :D
Michał Żołnowski, that's a very interesting narrowband image of the IC 410 and NGC 1893 region in Auriga.
Leonardo Orazi, I'm always happy to see your delightful RGB images here! :D
Lorenzo Siciliano, that's a great image of NGC 6946. The Fireworks Galaxy, indeed! What a supernova factory!
Manuel Jimenez, that's a great deep portrait of the Ring Nebula, M57, and spiral galaxy IC 1296.
Pitwi, Peter, I love your horse statue with constellation Pegasus in the background. I'm always particularly happy to see one of my favorite blue stars, Gamma Pegasi, being photographed! :D
There are a lot of truly impressive Sun prominences and sunspot images here. Thanks to all who contributed! :D
Rolf Geissinger, I like both of your NGC 7822 images! Thanks!
Again, thanks to all who contributed! :D