IC 1396 Montage: Four Narrowband Processing Options
Copyright: David Rosenthal
I put this montage together to demonstrate the various ways narrowband data can be processed by assigning different color channels to accentuate the chemical compositions of the emissions.
Clockwise from the top:
1. Ha[OIII] Bicolor
2. RGB = Ha[SII][OIII]
3. HST ( RGB=[SII]Ha[OIII] )
4. CHFT ( RGB = Ha[OIII][SII] )
The source data was taken with a Takahashi FS-102 and a SXV-H9 CCD camera using Baader NB Filters.
Ha 16*1200 Binned 1X1
[OIII] 12*1200 Binned 1X1
[SII] 10*1200 Binned 1X1
Iridium Flare in Cygnus
Copyright: Emiel Kempen
Clouds of Water Vapor and Stars
Copyright: Tunç Tezel