Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

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Tungurahua Eruption, closeup, Nov. 30, 2010

by sternklar » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:55 pm

Tungurahua Eruption, closeup, Nov. 30, 2010
Copyright: Manuel Jung

Tungurahua eruption, Ecuador, Nov. 30 2010

by sternklar » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:14 pm

Tungurahua eruption, Ecuador, Nov. 30 2010
Copyright: Manuel Jung

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:44 pm

Total Lunar Eclipse (2007)
Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:41 pm

Partial Solar Eclipse of 2005
Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by lodrigj » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:45 am

Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse
Copyright 2010 Jerry Lodriguss

This is an illustration I put together to show what the starfield and deepsky field will look like near the Moon at mid-totality during the lunar eclipse on December 21, 2010.

Click on the image above for a higher-resolution version and more information and identifications with a mouse over.

It shows the eclipsed Moon in Taurus at 8:16:57 Universal Time (3:16:57 am est). ... =9&t=22344

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by bystander » Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:57 am

Ann wrote:So could you please tell me what filters you used to produce the image, and what colors you assigned the images taken through different filters?
Very Large Telescope images of ETHOS 1

Montage of VLT FORS ETHOS 1 images.
  • (a) Colour-composite of Hα+[N II] (red), [O III] (green) and [O II] (blue);
    (b) and (e) Hα+[N II] with different cuts applied;
    (c) and (f) [O III] with different cuts applied;
    (d) [O II];
Each image measures 1 × 1 arcmin with North up and East to the left.

Credit and Copyright: B. Miszalski, R. Corradi, H. Boffin et al.

See here for a larger version
ETHOS 1: Bipolar planetary nebula with jets is shown to host a binary system
ETHOS 1: A high latitude planetary nebula with jets forged by a post common envelope binary central star - B Miszalski et al

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by Ann » Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:21 am

H. Boffin, I wasn't going to comment here but at the ESO homepage (since I saw that your image was originally made at ESO), but I couldn't find your image at ESO's homepage. So I have to ask you here. The colors of this newly discovered planetary are unusual. The inner part of the planetary is brilliantly yellow, and there is an apparent grass-green disk with two brilliantly pink spots on either side. In trying to understand the colors, I checked out the colors of the background stars. The color of the stars appeared very normal, except that there were no bluish stars there at all.

So could you please tell me what filters you used to produce the image, and what colors you assigned the images taken through different filters?


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:51 pm

Night Sky over Afghanistan
Copyright: Bryan Kluth
[attachment=0]700_Stryker Night.jpg[/attachment][/i]
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:34 pm

IC1805 and Geminid Meteor in False Color
Copyright: Rob Kantelberg

M31: Andromeda Galaxy
Copyright: Taavi Tuvikene/Elmo Tempel/SDSS

The Geminids at Orion
Copyright: Luis Argerich

The Pelican Nebula ... iginal.jpg
Copyright: Jorge Garcia
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Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image; for impressive zoomable image, click link under title
Click to view larger image; for impressive zoomable image, click link under title

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:42 pm

Sharpless 238 and Surrounding Dust
Copyright: Dean Salman Orion 18-frame Mosaic in H-alpha ... _stars.jpg
Copyright: Igor Chekalin
[attachment=3]Orion Mosaic.jpg[/attachment][/i]

Memory of an Evening in May
Copyright: Matthew Ventura
[attachment=2]Moon Venus Ventura.jpg[/attachment][/i]

Spiral Outburst Surrounding Astroid Scheila-596
Copyright: Ype de Lang

The Heart of M42 ... ?imgID=387
Credit and copyright: Steve Mazlin, Jack Harvey, Daniel Verschatse, and RickGilbert (SSRO at PROMPT/CTIO) Comet Machholz through UV Eyes
Credit: Jeffrey P. Morgenthaler, Walter M. Harris, Michael R. Combi, Paul D. Feldman, Harold A. Weaver
This image was recorded by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) ( at far ultraviolet wavelengths (135 -- 750 nm), where atomic carbon has two bright emission features. Unlike dust, which is pushed away from the comet by solar radiation pressure to create the characteristic white tail that is associated with comets, carbon, like most atoms and molecules is not big enough to receive any push. Carbon therefore floats away from the comet more-or-less uniformly in all directions, forming a spherically symmetric envelope, or "coma." The carbon coma is detected to distances of over 1 million km from comet Machholz.

A team of researchers led by Jeff Morgenthaler at the Planetary Science Institute ( used the fall-off of the carbon emission as a function of distance from the comet to measure how long the average carbon atom lives in interplanetary space before it is ionized. The answer: one to two weeks. This is a long time, but only about half as long as previously thought. The shorter value implies that previous measurements of the amount of carbon coming from comets may have been too large. This might affect theories about the formation of comets in the early solar system. ~ Jeff Morgenthaler
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:01 pm

Tadpole Galaxy
Credit: Nigel Metcalfe (Durham)/Pan-STARRS-1 Science Consortium

Lagoon Nebula in Near-infrared
Credit: I. Toledo, D. Minniti and the VVV Team
[attachment=3]Lagoon Nebula_Toledo.jpg[/attachment][/i]

First Quarter Moon
Copyright: John Chumack

Christmas Wishes
Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado

Newly-discovered Planetary Nebula ETHOS 1
Credit and Copyright: B. Miszalski, R. Corradi, H. Boffin, D. Jones, L. Sabin, M. Santander-García, P. Rodríguez-Gil and M. del Mar Rubio-Díez
[attachment=0]ethos1_Boffin.jpg[/attachment][/i] ... ull2_1.jpg
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link below
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link below
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:37 pm

Sun Pillar
Copyright: Raymond Gilbert
[attachment=6]sun pillar_Gilbert.jpg[/attachment][/i]

Starry Winter
Copyright: Michael E. Lockwood
[attachment=5]starry winter_Lockwood.jpg[/attachment][/i]

NGC7331, Stephan's Quintet, and Others
Copyright: Manfred Konrad
[attachment=4]NGC7331 Sephans Quintet.jpg[/attachment][/i]

Cirrus in Space
Copyright: Manfred Konrad
[attachment=3]NGC7331 galactic cirrus.jpg[/attachment][/i]

Geminid Sky
Copyright: Guillaume Cannat Spiral-like Coma Structure around 596 Scheila
Copyright: J. Licandro. Reduction: D. Padron, M. Serra-Ricart

Sun Halo and Sundogs
Copyright: Connie Gull

Dark Nebula B33
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link above
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link above
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Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:29 pm

The Horsehead Region in Hubble Palette
Copyright: Max Corneau
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link below
Click to view larger image; for largest image, click link below

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by Leonardo » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:04 am

M35 Open Star Cluster
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi Merry Christmas to all ... :D

PS. Ehi Adam :shock: .... you are the best !!!

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by pablo22 » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:05 pm

IC2118 - The Witch Head Nebula (LRGB)
Copyright: Pavel Pech

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by zonalunar » Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:54 pm

NGC2237 NarrowBand
Copyright: Alfonso Carreño From the terrace of my house and my Canon 1000D..............a greeting.

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by talbotj » Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:31 am

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by Tony Licata » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:46 pm

ngc1535 wrote:NGC 2170: Fireworks!
Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona
Really wonderful image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by ngc1535 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:24 am

NGC 2170: Fireworks!
Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona

Recent Submissions: 2010 December 17-20

by owlice » Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:37 am


Please post your images here for December 17-20.

If you need instructions on posting images, please see this thread.

Thank you!

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