MR. PITT: Oh, this is very odd.
KRAMER: (looking at picture) Yeah, it's 3-D art. Computers generate 'em. BIG computers.
MR. PITT: Yes, I've heard about these. How do they work?
KRAMER: Well, you blur your eyes like you're starin' straight through the picture. And you keep your eyes unfocused. And then... (Kramer and Pitt stare at picture) Oh, oh, oh, YEAH!
MR. PITT: I don't see it.
KRAMER: Yeah, it's a spaceship, surrounded by planets, asteroids...
MR. PITT: I still don't see it.
ELAINE: Okay, Kramer, that's enough. Mr. Pitt has got work to do.
KRAMER: Ya' ever dream in 3-D? It's like the boogeyman is comin' right at you.
MR. PITT: A spaceship, where?
KRAMER: (pointing) Right in here. Just keep your eyes unfocused. (convulses in pain) Waahh! Oh, mama!
ELAINE: Kramer, what's wrong?
ELAINE: Kramer, Kramer, are you okay?
KRAMER: I think I gotta go to the doctor! (exits) Oh, mama!
MR. PITT: (still staring at picture) How long does it usually take?