Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by jbury » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:22 am

Thanks for the links and descriptions Ann! I was definitely pleased with the number of DSOs I could pick out in the final shot. This is actually not a mosaic, it's the full FOV of my 50mm prime lens. It's a nice sharp lens!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:57 am

Testing a New Mirror
Copyright: Julien Vandermarlière

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by Ann » Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:24 am

I really like Joshua Bury's image of the Teapot in Sagittarius, although the Teapot itself is the least interesting part of the image, at least to me! No, I prefer the amazing wealth of deep-sky objects and individual interesting massive hot stars that he has captured in his large, deep, beautifully colored image. Starting at the bottom edge of the picture, can you see a line of four stars running diagonally from upper right to lower left? Behind those stars is NGC 6375 ( centered on cluster Pismis 24 ( ... y%2020.jpg) which contains two of the most massive stars in the Milky Way.

Moving upwards a bit you can see famous star cluster M6 and M7. M6 ( ... 0-cp10.jpg) sits right in the middle of the thick dark dust lane and is easy to see. M7 ( ... 166359.jpg) on the other hand, is seen against a relatively dust-free background of distant yellow stars, and looks like a bluish smudge against all the yellowness.

Then nothing much happens before we reach the Lagoon Nebula ( ... ez_big.jpg), the very obvious pink splotch in the dust lane. The pinkishness of the Lagoon extends to the left, where it blooms into a delightful combination of emission and reflection nebula centered on NGC 6559: Isn't it lovely?

Above the Lagoon is the Trifid Nebula and M 21, which is a young cluster of blue stars. I just couldn't find a good image of the Trifid Nebula and M 21, so I'll just post this link to an image of the Lagoon, the pink and blue Trifid Nebula above the Lagoon and M 21 to the upper left of the Trifid Nebula:

Above The Lagoon and the Trifid Nebulas and M 21 is a combination of emission and reflection nebulosity called NGC 6595: ... 09rewk.jpg.

An now we come to the large bright patch of relatively young stars in the dust lane, called the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud or Messier 24: ... ier-24.jpg. In this picture you can see NGC 6595 at bottom and the magnificent Omega Nebula, M 17, at top. Another pink patch close to M 24 is M 16, the Eagle Nebula: ... Nebula.jpg.

Well, what a collection of links!!! I just wanted to say that there is so much to see in this part of the sky, and Joshua Bury does the sights delightful justice in his large mosaic (I assume it is a mosaic)!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:27 am

NGC 253 and NGC 288
Copyright: Tunç Tezel
NGC253 is a bright, large spiral galaxy lying about in the faint constellation Sculptor. It is the brightest galaxy in the Sculptor with the magnitude of 7.1; some keen-eyed observers reported to have seen the galaxy with unaided eyes in superior conditions. It spans nearly as wide as the Moon, thanks to being relatively close to us; 10 million light years away. In reality, it is about as big as the Milky Way.

NGC288, on the other hand, lies only 27000 light years away, in the halo of Milky Way. It is a magnitude fainter than NGC253: 8.1. The pair is separated 1 3/4 degrees of sky. They are visible in the same binocular field (about as wide as this picture) but most telescopes are not able to fit them in the same field. South Galactic Pole (SGP) lies less than a degree southwest of NGC288, close to the lower right corner of this picture.
~ Tunç Tezel
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:53 pm

Cederblad 214 ... lbum_id=11
Credit: John Carver, data acquisition; Jason Jennings, data processing
Click to view larger image; for largest image, see website above
Click to view larger image; for largest image, see website above

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:43 pm

NGC 281: PacMan Nebula
Copyright: Bernard Miller

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:37 pm

Atlas Mountains at Sunset
Copyright: Ana Pinto
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:28 pm

Arp 188: The Tadpole Galaxy ... #h2db57ef3
Credit: Hubble, data; Emanuele Colognato, processing
Click to view larger image; for largest image, see website at link above
Click to view larger image; for largest image, see website at link above

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:21 pm

The Teapot in Sagittarius
Copyright: Joshua Bury
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Click to view larger image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:14 pm

NGC 281: The PacMan Nebula
Copyright: Il Soon Kim
[attachment=0]NGC281_Il-Soon Kim.jpg[/attachment][/i]
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:58 pm

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by Ann » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:45 pm

Wow, that's an amazing image, kwon o chul. The sky is sparkling with stars as well as with zodiacal light. I can see Orion, the Pleiades, the Hyades, the Alpha Persei Moving Cluster and the Double cluster in that fantastic sky.


Zodiacal Light from Slopes of Kilimanjaro

by kwon o chul » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:53 pm

At the equator, the Mt.Kilimanjaro is the one of the best place to viewing the zodical light.
photo by Kwon, O Chul

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by Ann » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:37 pm

Ah, Adam! Now you're cooking! 8-) I mean, now you're back to photographing galaxies. NGC 151! In a favorite book of mine, The Color Atlas of Galaxies by James D. Wray, NGC 151 is used as "iconic" galaxy, a "typical case" that many other galaxies are compared with. So I really appreciate having a great RGB image of this galaxy! It's a lot of fun comparing your image with Wray's old UBV one, though I must point out that Wray had access to a 2.1 meter telescope when he took his image, and I wonder if you can muster anything that large. Your image is definitely more detailed and shows a lot of pink emission nebulae, which are definitely absent in Wray's image. By the way, Wray points out that there are two background galaxies, "one blue and one red" to the upper right of NGC 151. They looked pretty colorless in Wray's image, but not in yours! 8-)


P.S. What about Thor's Helmet, wasn't that a fine image? Oh, it was great, except it wasn't really my kind of thing. (Star acting up because it is approaching the end of its life, not for me.) But yes, the picture was great, beautifully resolved, and quite charming in a strange way. The blue bubble looked almost like a bird's head, with the Wolf Rayet star itself peeking out of one of the bird's huge "eyes", and the bird had a beak too, on the right side of its head pointing right. Thor's Helmet looked more like a cute kiddie birdie than an impressive viking helmet in your picture, and the "baby avian" look suited it!

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:25 pm

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:13 pm

NGC 891 in Andromeda
Copyright: Patrick Hochleitner

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:04 pm

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:56 am

NGC 151: Spiral Galaxy in Cetus
Copyright: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona Largest image available from link below title. Can you find a ring galaxy in the image?

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:49 am

IC 405: Flaming Star Nebula
Copyright: Richard Yandrick
Click to view larger image; for full-sized image, click link above
Click to view larger image; for full-sized image, click link above

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:40 am

Full Moon and Pleiades
Copyright: Alan C. Tough
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:36 am

vdB142: The Elephant's Trunk Nebula
Copyright: Eduard von Bergen
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by pablo22 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:54 am

The Heart Nebula (IC1805, MEL15, IC1795, NGC896) - HST ... 280727.jpg
Copyright: Pavel Pech

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:22 am

The Moon
Copyright: Ricky Leon Murphy
[attachment=0]The Moon_Murphy.jpg[/attachment][/i]
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:34 am

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 November 23-26

by owlice » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:31 am

M33: Triangulum Galaxy
Copyright: Manfred Konrad
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