Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by marco lorenzi » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:04 am

Ann wrote:That is a very interesting and beautiful portrait of the Eta Carina region, Marco Lorenzi. To a person with my color preferences, the electric blue color of Theta Carina just jumped out at me! And indeed, I think it is true that Theta Carina is "bluest star" in this part of the heavens - that is, it is the star with the apparently bluest color index of the stars visible here, seen from our point of view.

There were many other fascinating little details. One thing I really liked was the crescent-shaped nebula at the far upper right. I have never seen that object photographed before. Another example of interesting nebulosity can be found near the bottom of the picture, where there is a semi-bright star surrounded by an almost perfect red ring. Fascinating.The image also brings out many of the star clusters well, not least NGC 3532 (the large somewhat scattered cluster near the "top" of the red nebulosity) and NGC 3766 ( the much more compact and very rich cluster far to the left).

The fact that you have imaged this region in OIII as well as in Ha gives a bluish-pink hue to some of the nebulosity. Fascinating. But you lose none of the true-color "feel" of the stars.

That's a great image!

Thanks a lot for your appreciation Ann. I agree that this is one of the most outstanding areas of the sky, so packed of incredible objects. Eta Carinae itself is quite outstanding, huge and so bright that cannot be missed by anybody observing with naked eye under rural skies. Thanks for the consideration on the stars color, they are quite striking too :)

Clear Skies

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Ann » Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:58 am

That is a very interesting and beautiful portrait of the Eta Carina region, Marco Lorenzi. To a person with my color preferences, the electric blue color of Theta Carina just jumped out at me! And indeed, I think it is true that Theta Carina is "bluest star" in this part of the heavens - that is, it is the star with the apparently bluest color index of the stars visible here, seen from our point of view.

There were many other fascinating little details. One thing I really liked was the crescent-shaped nebula at the far upper right. I have never seen that object photographed before. Another example of interesting nebulosity can be found near the bottom of the picture, where there is a semi-bright star surrounded by an almost perfect red ring. Fascinating.The image also brings out many of the star clusters well, not least NGC 3532 (the large somewhat scattered cluster near the "top" of the red nebulosity) and NGC 3766 ( the much more compact and very rich cluster far to the left).

The fact that you have imaged this region in OIII as well as in Ha gives a bluish-pink hue to some of the nebulosity. Fascinating. But you lose none of the true-color "feel" of the stars.

That's a great image!


Deep Pleiades with Dust Wake

by Tucker512 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:15 am

A deep exposure mosaic of the Pleiades and the wake they appear to leave as they move through the interstellar dust cloud.

More description and higher resolution on this page:

Thanks for looking!

Scott Tucker

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by owlice » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:15 am

Mosaic of 4 Panels around the Eta Carinae Nebula ... y2SeH-A-LB
Copyright: Marco Lorenzi
Click to view larger image; zoomable image available at URL above
Click to view larger image; zoomable image available at URL above

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by owlice » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:08 am

IC1340 of the Veil Supernova Remnant
Copyright and credit: Image acquisition: Michael Joner and David Laney (BYU); image processing: Robert Gendler

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by owlice » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:03 am

Sunset over the Observatory of Paris Meudon (OBSPM)
Credit & Copyright (image and text): Céline Richard
[attachment=1]Pilier géodésique, at the OBSPM.jpg[/attachment][/i]
This picture, taken from the roof of the historic building of the Observatory, in Paris, a “pilier géodésique” marks the prime meridian, before the Greenwhich meridian was taken as a worldwide reference. Beyond the Observatory are two domes : one is the Panthéon, where Foucault used a pendulum to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth in 1851 (left), and the other is a Church inside the Val de Grâce Hospital (right).
[attachment=0]View of Paris, from the OBSPM.jpg[/attachment][/i]
Why wasn't the Observatory of Paris built on the hillock of Montmartre, at the North of Paris, while most earth observatories are built at high altitudes?

In this picture, taken from the roof of the Observatory in the South of Paris, we see the Senate, before the hillock of Montmartre. Although in 1667, the Church of Sacré-Coeur still did not exist on the hillock, the architect Claude Perrault (a brother of the famous story-teller Charles Perrault), member of the Royal Academy of Science, set the foundations of the Observatory in the southern countryside, in order to avoid the clouds of coaldust from the former little city of Paris. Indeed, at this time, the Parisians used to cook and heat their homes with charcoal. Nowadays, the historic building of the Observatory belongs to the inner city, which keeps growing.
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image
Click to view larger image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Ann » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:48 am

There are two MiIlky Way images that I haven't commented on. I really like Luis Argerich's image, not least the blue color of the Magellanic Clouds set against a reddish Earth sky. But I wish the picture had been bigger.

I really like Alain Maury and Ignacio de la Cueva's image too, although I find it slightly baffling. I like how they bring out the Ha nebulosity in our galaxy, and I like the big red splotches around Scorpius and Ophiuchus - that's a naughty runaway star, however, Zeta Ophiuchi - surely he ought to have stayed at home in Orion where he was born, hmm?

But I'm confused at the long Ha-less stretch of dark brown dust to the upper left in the image. Well, I guess we are in Scutum, which looks remarkably star formation-less from our point of view. Of course, there is a lot of star formation going on behind that thick curtain of dust, if only you move a few thousand light years galactic center-wards.

Well, in any case it is clear that the image doesn't show us Cygnus. There is no way that NGC 7000 and all the Gamma Cygni nebulosity wouldn't show up.


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by lup974 » Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:30 pm

Rendez-vous with Vénus

Date: 16/09/2010
Location: Cirque of Salazie/ Reunion Island – Altitude : 1600m
Technique: 9 photos stitch together

It is so good to rise, to get closer to the stars, to have the sensation to give up for a moment, human activity and its commotions. Venus just for me!

Venus dominates the starry sky. Mars is right next , slightly down on the right. In the upper left corner we find Alpha and Beta Centauri.In the middle of the sky is yellow Arcturus. The brightness of Vega is noticeable in the right part of the sky.
The visible mountains range on this photo is dominated in its extreme left by the “Piton des Neiges”, extinct volcano and summit of Indian Océan peaking at 3070 m.

The other peaks are equally impressive and well known by the population of Reunion Island. From left to right: The “Morne de Fourche”, the “Cimendef”, The “Roche écrite” and the “Piton Fougères”.
Under this sea of clouds is the “Cirque of Salazie”, one of three cirques of Reunion Island.

These three cirques are arranged in clover and dominated, in the middle, by the “Piton des Neiges” and are the result of the collapse of this volcano. On the other side of this mountains range are the two other cirques: Mafate and Cilaos.

The red and yellow / green tints of clouds indicate the presence of small villages lost in hidden in recesses places of the cirque.

This mountainous area of the island is a part of The National Park of Réunion Island and is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site since August 1st.

Luc Perrot

Full Moon setting over the Colorado Rockies

by alek » Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:33 pm

Full Moon setting over the Colorado Rockies

Copyright: Alek Komarnitsky
URL: Time-Lapse and more pics of Full Moon setting over the Colorado Rockies

Robert suggested post my image here, so here's the Email I sent to him and Jerry.

First, while I'm sure you've heard it a bazillion times, please allow me to add my personal thanks for a great job with APOD - fantastic job every day, year after year.

I'm reluctant to even submit an image of mine since your quality is so high, but numerous people have commented that they enjoy my time-lapse of the Moon setting over the Colorado Rockies, so I'll toss it out there for you to consider - ... 1_moonset/

Holler if you want a full-res copy.
Best Wishes,

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Leonardo » Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:45 am

VdB152 Wide Field Reflection Nebula in Cepheus
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi

Link to Details anf Full Size page:

Leonardo Orazi
Click links below for larger images
Click links below for larger images

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by piotrek sadowski » Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:46 am

The Cat's Paw Nebula
Copyright: Piotrek Sadowski full size: ... 4-2000.htm

Piotrek Sadowski

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by davidebardini » Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:36 am

Ann wrote:Thanks for your image too, Davide Bardini. You make that nebula look like a hobby horse, and I mean that as a compliment! :mrgreen:


fantastic imagination, Ann!!
Thank's for looking


August Milky Way from the Atacama desert

by AlainMaury » Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:13 am

Color+Halpha view of the Milky Way
Copyright Alain Maury - Ignacio de la Cueva

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by owlice » Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:21 am

Mario, in your second image above, the telescopes look like dancers. No rain dance this, no, no! This would be a dance for clear skies and excellent seeing!

Erwin, your image reminded me of an image that was submitted in June; it is the first one in this thread. The astrophotographer's caption made me laugh out loud; I can just hear someone saying that when discovering the interruption!

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Ann » Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:38 am

Thanks for your image too, Davide Bardini. You make that nebula look like a hobby horse, and I mean that as a compliment! :mrgreen:



Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Ann » Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:34 am

Thanks for explaining how you took your image, Grant Collier. It was a heroic effort, and the image looks very good, too!


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by JavierBB » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:16 pm

NGC281 Pacman Nebula Narrowband
URL of website,
Copyright: Javier Ballesteros Bonald Taken from end of August to early of September. Telescope SW ED80 Main Camera Atik16HR Off axis guide with Atik16 Ha 24x20 min (8 hours) binning 1x1 SII 10x15 min (2,5 hours) binning 2x2 OIII 10x15 min (2,5 hours) binning 2x2 Hubble Palette (SII/Ha/OIII) Processed with Astroart 4 and Photoshop CS5 Special thanks to my daughter Anabel, 10 years old who help me every night to place the equipment to work

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by davidebardini » Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:37 pm


VdB158; GAL110-13; PK110-12 1 ... RGB-13.jpg

about 9h of imaging time
Luminance with TEC140 and STL11000
RGB with TSA102 and ML8300
Taken fron Tuscany skies on sept. 2010

Thanks for your kind attention

Davide Bardini, Italy
Click to view (large) full-size image
Click to view (large) full-size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by MaPa » Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:12 am

Less known but famous sister of M13
Copyright: Marcin Paciorek Click to view full size: ... 0_1440.jpg

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by wezy » Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:46 am

I started imagine the Double Cluster a couple nights ago and when I checked the images I discovered a plane flew right in the middle of the double cluster.
One of the lights just flashed as it was passing and it shows one of the jet engines.

Double Cluster with plane
Copyright: Erwin Van Wesemael

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Alvaro Gaviria » Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:47 am

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by owlice » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:34 pm

NGC 6888: The Crescent Nebula in Cygnus
Credit and copyright: Image acquisition: Michael Joner and David Laney (BYU); image processing: Robert Gendler

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by Nivarian » Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:53 pm

Sunset behind the Lollipop
Copyright: Enrique Luque Cervigón Here you can see the a sunset behind the "lollipop", the communication tower of Madrid (Spain) the photo was taken from 30km far from the lollipop. This image can be seen only once a year.

Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by wolfrayet » Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:31 pm

LBN 468 and PV Cephei: Gyulbudaghian's Nebula ... N468g.html
Copyright: Pieter Vandevelde Image taken in southern France August 2010. Scope TeleVue np101is.

Many regards,


Re: Recent Submissions: 2010 October 5-8

by marioweigand » Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:28 pm


here are 2 impressions from my imaging sessions.

Imaging session
Copyright: Mario Weigand Find a larger version here:

- Riedelbach/ Gemany
- Canon EOS 5D
- 12mm

Astro photography
Copyright: Mario Weigand Find a larger version here:

- Riedelbach/ Gemany
- Canon EOS 5D Mk II
- 12mm


