GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

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Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Henning Makholm » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:04 am

RJN wrote:
Chris Peterson wrote:I think you can have the intersection point of the blades can still move faster than c. The reasoning is that with scissors (unlike the guillotine) the angle is changing, and therefore the velocity of the intersection point is changing (assuming constant angular closure). The intersection starts out moving slowly, but is moving very fast as the scissors are nearly closed.
Yes, but this situation can only occur when an entire scissor blade is already moving. If both scissor blades start at rest, however, the information to start moving must still move along the length of one blade. So even a scissors with a vertex angle of zero must have each point along one blade start to move before that point can be considered closed.
Isn't all you're saying here that the vertex speed cannot jump instantaneously from 0 to >c? That seems to me to be so trivial that we don't have to invoke relativity to conclude it; F=ma does it for any nonzero vertex angle.

In the zero-angle case, I'd deny that the idea of a single vertex that can be assigned a speed applies in the first place. But in principle, we could certainly make a entire finite interval of the blade edge begin to move at the same time. That's just a question of delaying the impluse from reaching the nearer end of that edge interval while it propagates to the farther end through a different portion of the blade. If we're allowed to construct the blade out of materials with different propagation speeds, then including appropriate lensing elements into it should do the trick.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by neufer » Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:37 am

Chris Peterson wrote:
b0bb0 wrote:This is way over my head, but... I think there may be an alternate answer. Assuming the speed of a photon is the speed of light. That the speed of a photon is variable in an "Atmosphere". That in a dense enough atmosphere will bring a photon to a stop. Then anything moving scissorswise would be moving faster than the speed of light
The limiting factor isn't the speed of light, but the universal constant c, which happens to be the speed that light travels in a vacuum. C isn't determined by the speed of light, the speed of light is determined by c.

Aside from this, making an atmosphere denser simply makes it opaque, which isn't the same as slowing down light. The slowest light will get (assuming it isn't absorbed) is determined by the index of refraction of the atmosphere either in its liquid or solid phase, depending on just how dense it gets. The materials with the highest indexes of refraction are around 3, meaning that light travels one third of c. That's still a long ways from standing still. wrote:
<<In a medium, the speed at which light waves propagate can differ from c; to properly discuss the meaning of this statement, several different concepts of the "speed of a light wave" need to be distinguished. The first is the speed of a wave of a single frequency f; this is called the phase velocity vp. The refractive index of a material is defined as the ratio of c to the phase velocity vp in the material: larger indices of refraction indicate smaller speeds. The refractive index of a material may depend on the light's frequency, intensity, polarization, or direction of propagation; in many cases, though, it can be treated as a material-dependent constant. The refractive index of air is approximately 1.0003. Denser media, such as water, glass, and diamond, have refractive indexes of around 1.3, 1.5 and 2.4 respectively for visible light.

In transparent materials, the refractive index generally greater than 1, meaning that the phase velocity is less than c. In other materials, it is possible for the refractive index to becomes smaller than 1 for some frequencies; in some exotic materials it is even possible for the index of refraction to become negative. The requirement that causality is not violated implies that the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant of any material, corresponding respectively to the index of refraction and to the attenuation coefficient, are linked by the Kramers–Kronig relations. In practical terms, this means that in a material with phase velocity less than 1, the absorption of the wave is so quick that no signal can be sent faster than c.

The second concept of the speed of light in a material is the average velocity of a pulse consisting of different frequencies. This is called the group velocity and depends not only on the properties of the medium but also on the distribution of frequencies in the pulse. A pulse with different group and phase velocities (which occurs if the phase velocity is not the same for all the frequencies of the pulse) is said to undergo dispersion. Certain materials have an exceptionally low group velocity for light waves, a phenomenon called slow light. In 1999, a team of scientists led by Lene Hau were able to slow the speed of a light pulse to about 17 metres per second; in 2001, they were able to momentarily stop a beam. In 2003, scientists at Harvard University and the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow succeeded in completely halting light by directing it into a Bose–Einstein condensate of the element rubidium, the atoms of which, in Lukin's words, behaved "like tiny mirrors" due to an interference pattern in two "control" beams.

It is also possible for the group velocity of light pulses to exceed c. In an experiment in 2000, laser beams traveled for extremely short distances through cesium atoms with a group velocity of 300 times c. It should even be possible for the group velocity to become infinite or even negative, implying pulses traveling instantaneously or backwards in time. None of these options, however, allow information to be transmitted faster than c. It is impossible to transmit information with a light pulse any faster than the speed of the earliest part of the pulse (the front velocity). It can be shown that this is (under certain assumptions) always equal to c.>>

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Chris Peterson » Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:58 am

b0bb0 wrote:This is way over my head, but... I think there may be an alternate answer. Assuming the speed of a photon is the speed of light. That the speed of a photon is variable in an "Atmosphere". That in a dense enough atmossphere will bring a photon to a stop. Then anything moving scissorswise would be moving faster than the speed of light
The limiting factor isn't the speed of light, but the universal constant c, which happens to be the speed that light travels in a vacuum. C isn't determined by the speed of light, the speed of light is determined by c.

Aside from this, making an atmosphere denser simply makes it opaque, which isn't the same as slowing down light. The slowest light will get (assuming it isn't absorbed) is determined by the index of refraction of the atmosphere either in its liquid or solid phase, depending on just how dense it gets. The materials with the highest indexes of refraction are around 3, meaning that light travels one third of c. That's still a long ways from standing still.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by neufer » Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:43 am

b0bb0 wrote:This is way over my head, but... I think there may be an alternate answer. Assuming the speed of a photon is the speed of light. That the speed of a photon is variable in an "Atmosphere". That in a dense enough atmossphere will bring a photon to a stop. Then anything moving scissorswise would be moving faster than the speed of light
Special relativity explicitly involves the speed of light in a vacuum.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by b0bb0 » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:47 am

This is way over my head, but... I think there may be an alternate answer. Assuming the speed of a photon is the speed of light. That the speed of a photon is variable in an "Atmosphere". That in a dense enough atmossphere will bring a photon to a stop. Then anything moving scissorswise would be moving faster than the speed of light

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by RJN » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:20 pm

Yes OK, the average speed of the vertex of a scissors with both blades starting straight and at rest is constrained to be less than c. More specifically the length of the blade divided by the time it takes for the blades to close, both measured in the frame of the handle, must be less than c. Once one of the blades is already moving, the instantaneous speed of the vertex at the moving blade position(s) can exceed c, so long as the total average speed remains so constrained. - RJN

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by neufer » Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:50 pm

Beta wrote:
neufer wrote: It seems to me that [speed of light response] straight edge scissors would be strain distorted under the closing forces into Archimedes spirals and thus would proceed to close outward at a constant speed (= c).
If you can start with straight blades that distort into outward curves in motion, you can start with inward-curved blades that distort into straight edges in motion. The vertex will start out behind the propagating distortion, moving much more slowly, then catch up >c (but not overtake it).
Correct. :oops:

A scissors blade can have jagged vertical "pinking shear" teeth that perfectly replicate the apparent superluminal motion of a light echo.
  • 1) light speed travel along the blade edge => light speed travel from star to reflection nebula
    2) light speed travel of the closing blade edge => light speed travel from reflection nebula to earth ... t=0#p90968

  • If the upper (moving) scissors blade is initially defined by y(x)
    and the distance along it by S(x) = ⌠ sqrt [1-(dy/dx)2] dx

    Then the minimum time of travel for the vertex
    to close at distance R(x) = sqrt(y2+x2)
    is t(R) = {S + R arcsin(y/R)}/c

    so the instantaneous vertex speed is
    dR/dt = c/{dS/dR + arcsin(y/R) + R d[arcsin(y/R)]/dR}

    And the average vertex speed
    = c / {(s/sqrt[y2+x2]) +arctan(y/x)} < c

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Chris Peterson » Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:42 pm

RJN wrote:Yes, but this situation can only occur when an entire scissor blade is already moving. If both scissor blades start at rest, however, the information to start moving must still move along the length of one blade. So even a scissors with a vertex angle of zero must have each point along one blade start to move before that point can be considered closed.
Yes, but I don't see how that changes my point. We can take a reasonably physical pair of scissors (I'm not talking about light year long blades here) and close them at a reasonable speed. Certainly there will be a propagation delay of the movement from one end to the other, but the system will reach a steady state. And in that state, there can be a time when the intersection point velocity is exceeding c. This doesn't violate any rules of causality.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by RJN » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:08 pm

Chris Peterson wrote: This may need some clarification, or additional analysis. I think you can have the intersection point of the blades can still move faster than c. The reasoning is that with scissors (unlike the guillotine) the angle is changing, and therefore the velocity of the intersection point is changing (assuming constant angular closure). The intersection starts out moving slowly, but is moving very fast as the scissors are nearly closed.
Yes, but this situation can only occur when an entire scissor blade is already moving. If both scissor blades start at rest, however, the information to start moving must still move along the length of one blade. So even a scissors with a vertex angle of zero must have each point along one blade start to move before that point can be considered closed.


Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Henning Makholm » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:56 am

neufer wrote:It seems to me that "infinitely stiff" (i.e., with speed of light response) straight edge scissors would be strain distorted under the closing forces into Archimedes spirals and thus would proceed to close outward at a constant speed (= c).
That analysis assumes that you keep pushing at the handles.

Say instead that you stop pushing after you've poured a finite amount of angular momentum into the blades. If the mechanical properties of the blade includes sufficient vibration damping (by heat loss, which cannot make angular momentum go away) the blade could settle down into rigid rotation with a constant angular velocity before it has finished closing. That's really just a matter of starting with the scissors at a sufficiently large angle. If it's not enough, just declare that the initial angle was more than 360° and it's the next time around that really counts.

Once you've stopped pushing and the blade has settled down into smooth rotation, there seems to be nothing in theory to prevent the vertex to exceed c.

Now the trick: Even if you did continue pushing, how could that possibly retard the vertex? (Hmm, it could make it cross any point earlier, but by less at larger distances, thus decreasing the speed. Disregard this non-trick, please.)

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Beta » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:03 pm

neufer wrote: It seems to me that [speed of light response] straight edge scissors would be strain distorted under the closing forces into Archimedes spirals and thus would proceed to close outward at a constant speed (= c).
If you can start with straight blades that distort into outward curves in motion, you can start with inward-curved blades that distort into straight edges in motion. The vertex will start out behind the propagating distortion, moving much more slowly, then catch up >c (but not overtake it).

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by neufer » Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:49 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
RJN wrote:Conversely, however, the "no" answer is actually correct in the most classic example of a scissors closing -- that when the two blades start as rigid, straight, at rest, and the time when the scissors will start to close is only known at the handle. For this case, the information that the scissors is closing can only move up the blades at the speed of light, so that the end of the scissors, say one light year away, could not know to close before that information arrives from the handle.
This may need some clarification, or additional analysis. I think you can have the intersection point of the blades can still move faster than c. The reasoning is that with scissors (unlike the guillotine) the angle is changing, and therefore the velocity of the intersection point is changing (assuming constant angular closure). The intersection starts out moving slowly, but is moving very fast as the scissors are nearly closed. Causality limitations only require that information not get from the hands closing the scissors to the scissor tips in less time than a photon could. But there is nothing that says the intersection velocity can't start at less than c and end at more than c. As long as the average speed is less than c, the Universe should be happy.
It seems to me that "infinitely stiff" (i.e., with speed of light response) straight edge scissors would be strain distorted under the closing forces into Archimedes spirals and thus would proceed to close outward at a constant speed (= c).


Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by makc » Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:31 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:The intersection starts out moving slowly, but is moving very fast as the scissors are nearly closed. Causality limitations only require that information not get from the hands closing the scissors to the scissor tips in less time than a photon could. But there is nothing that says the intersection velocity can't start at less than c and end at more than c. As long as the average speed is less than c, the Universe should be happy.
I think it should be very possible in "from one end" situation too, now. Check out this picture:
0.jpg (26.07 KiB) Viewed 7349 times
Thick line is moving blade edge supposed shape at t=1. We can see that although the blade has to deform, the vertex speed in marked interval can still be very close to what it would be in the world where blade was able to move as a rigid body. I am not that strong in math to actually express it as a formula, however.

edit: actually, nvm. looking at my picture again, I see that it demonstrates subluminal vertex speed :( for superluminal speed, it would have to be this:
0.jpg (11.59 KiB) Viewed 7339 times

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Chris Peterson » Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:45 pm

RJN wrote:Conversely, however, the "no" answer is actually correct in the most classic example of a scissors closing -- that when the two blades start as rigid, straight, at rest, and the time when the scissors will start to close is only known at the handle. For this case, the information that the scissors is closing can only move up the blades at the speed of light, so that the end of the scissors, say one light year away, could not know to close before that information arrives from the handle.
This may need some clarification, or additional analysis. I think you can have the intersection point of the blades can still move faster than c. The reasoning is that with scissors (unlike the guillotine) the angle is changing, and therefore the velocity of the intersection point is changing (assuming constant angular closure). The intersection starts out moving slowly, but is moving very fast as the scissors are nearly closed. Causality limitations only require that information not get from the hands closing the scissors to the scissor tips in less time than a photon could. But there is nothing that says the intersection velocity can't start at less than c and end at more than c. As long as the average speed is less than c, the Universe should be happy.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by RJN » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:55 pm

I believe the best answer is "Yes, I have no problem with that." Much of the analysis given below is correct. In fact, this discussion thread is the best general analysis of this problem of which I am aware, and possibly even a good example of "Citizen Science."

In sum, the vertex of a scissors is not a physical object and can exceed the speed of light. If you could close a one light-year long scissors in one second, for example, then the vertex would need to move much faster than light.

The guillotine-scissors example, given below, makes this particularly clear. Here consider two lines with a very small angle between them. Now consider the tilted line slowly dropping past the straight line. The intersection of them is the vertex and can move down either line arbitrarily fast, even faster than light.

Conversely, however, the "no" answer is actually correct in the most classic example of a scissors closing -- that when the two blades start as rigid, straight, at rest, and the time when the scissors will start to close is only known at the handle. For this case, the information that the scissors is closing can only move up the blades at the speed of light, so that the end of the scissors, say one light year away, could not know to close before that information arrives from the handle. In that sense this example has similarities to the Twirling Pole GRED posted earlier here: ... 30&t=19641

A neat twist, posted below, which I had not previously considered, is that of a scissors that does NOT start with straight blades. This scissors, when closing, can have a vertex or even multiple vertexes that can actually break the speed of light even when the starting time is known only at the handle.


Re: Simple concept confused through analogy

by Henning Makholm » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:19 pm

neufer wrote:Here (I assume) we have an attempt to explain the simple concept
of "apparent superluminal motion" using an enormous pair of scissors
and our Asternauts have run off in all directions with those scissors.
Why, we have to find some way to make the majority right, don't we?

Simple concept confused through analogy

by neufer » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:13 pm

Here (I assume) we have an attempt to explain the simple concept
of "apparent superluminal motion" using an enormous pair of scissors
and our Asternauts have run off in all directions with those scissors. :shock: ... t=0#p90968 wrote:
<<Apparent superluminal motion is observed in many radio galaxies, blazars, quasars and recently also in microquasars. The effect was predicted before it was observed by Martin Rees and can be explained as an optical illusion caused by the object partly moving in the direction of the observer, when the speed calculations assume it does not. The phenomenon does not contradict the theory of special relativity. Interestingly, corrected calculations show these objects have velocities close to the speed of light (relative to our reference frame).

Light spots and shadows: If a laser is swept across a distant object, the spot of light can easily be made to move at a speed greater than c. Similarly, a shadow projected onto a distant object can be made to move faster than c. In neither case does any information travel faster than light.>>

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by makc » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:08 pm

yes, in my picture they were triggered by radio signal coming "from one end" of scissors; however, it doesn't say anywhere that we can't add pre-programmed delay between signal reception and ignition :) in fact, it is absolutely needed to make "rockets ignite simultaneously in observer's frame", as the picture said.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by wonderboy » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:29 am

Chris Peterson wrote:
wonderboy wrote:It would take longer for the rocket to the right of your blade to ignite if your remote igniting them, the signal would travel at c and would take considerably longer to reach the last rocket than the first.
They are not remotely ignited. They are ignited by local timers, using a preset plan. Again, this is just the "timed wave" that was discussed in the long pole problem, and it doesn't violate any sort of causality.

This whole problem is complicated by talking about very long scissors and complex movement mechanisms. You can apply simple math to see that an ordinary pair of kitchen scissors will have the vertex moving faster than c just as they close. Or you can change the guillotine angle to be arbitrarily close to 0° and get any vertex speed you want, even with a very slow falling blade. There is no need to worry about relativistic effects in the experimental apparatus.

The little radio signals from the crudely drawn (just joking) ground based array made me believe it was radio ignited. It sure looks like it. I did actually think that he must have meant pre timed igniters, but hey ho.


Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Chris Peterson » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:04 pm

swainy wrote:If i have two equal sheets of card, which are square. I put them next to each other. I choose the angle to be zero. so when i move them apart, the vertex is instant? Faster than light. I think i get you now Chris.
Of course I get that... it's what I said, after all! Now make a very tiny angle between them, so that there actually is an intersection point, and it's obvious that you can get that intersection to move at any arbitrary speed, for any particular speed of closure between the two cards.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by swainy » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:56 pm

If i have two equal sheets of card, which are square. I put them next to each other. I choose the angle to be zero. so when i move them apart, the vertex is instant? Faster than light. I think i get you now Chris.


Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by neufer » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:45 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:You'd need something stronger than steel, but I don't think that breaks the solution.
Given the tensile strength of steel (vs. it's density) it is hard to imagine a pair of scissors (of any length)
closing at an angular velocity faster than about 1 km/s without being torn apart by centrifugal force.
  • Maximum Scissors Velocity = Constant x sqrt (tensile strength/density)
    (Constant depends on the amount of taper of the scissors blade.)
However, there is nothing to prevent two long bars of steel passing by each other with constant velocities approaching c.

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Henning Makholm » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:23 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
Henning Makholm wrote:Somehow I don't think I usually close my scissors quite that fast.
I meant to suggest modifying the ordinary kitchen scissors slightly by placing the pivot point very close to the blade edges. Unless we start talking atomic thicknesses, that's just engineering.
Sure, but then I'd dispute the ordinariness of the scissors.

Once we are going to reengineer, let me repeat that my ordinary kitchen scissors have blades that bend slightly into the plane of rotation. As I close the scissors, they successively pry apart by forces transmitted through the vertex. This is by design, as it ensures a cleaner cut by making sure that the blades actually contact instead of moving past each other with a gap that the material being cut could pass through. However the successive-prying-apart works only for vertex speeds below the speed of sound in the steel. Above that, the blades would likely collide head-on instead of slicing past each other. (Opening the scissors appears to present no such problems).
In any case, my point was only that this problem is easier to work with if we don't start invoking light year long scissors. It isn't necessary to the concept, and it certainly adds an entire level of complexity not suggested by the initial question. If the vertex can go faster than c, it can do so whether the scissors are abnormally long or not.
Agreed. It's just that it helps at least me thinking of the practical consequences if we don't have to work in terms of picoseconds. I'd settle for several light seconds...

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Chris Peterson » Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:55 pm

Henning Makholm wrote:Somehow I don't think I usually close my scissors quite that fast.
I meant to suggest modifying the ordinary kitchen scissors slightly by placing the pivot point very close to the blade edges. Unless we start talking atomic thicknesses, that's just engineering.

In any case, my point was only that this problem is easier to work with if we don't start invoking light year long scissors. It isn't necessary to the concept, and it certainly adds an entire level of complexity not suggested by the initial question. If the vertex can go faster than c, it can do so whether the scissors are abnormally long or not.

(And even the large velocities and energies you come up with in your calculation are physically feasible; you aren't stepping on any hard limits. You'd need something stronger than steel, but I don't think that breaks the solution.)

Re: GRED Answer: Scissor vertex speed

by Henning Makholm » Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:23 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:You can apply simple math to see that an ordinary pair of kitchen scissors will have the vertex moving faster than c just as they close.
I got out my ordinary kitchen scissors and measured:
Blade length: 95mm.
Pivot offset: 8mm.
The blades are stainless steel (let's assume a density of 8 g/cm³), 2 mm thick, width tapered from 15mm at the pivot to about 6 mm at the tips

Let's estimate, conservatively, the energy it would take to close the scissors fast enough to make the vertex move at above c. The blade tips will have to move at transverse speed ½c*8/95 = 12,622 km/s. Thus, every part of the outer half of each blade moves at at least 6,311 km/s. The mass of that outer half is at least 0.6*4.8*0.2*8 = 4.6 g. This gives each blade a kinetic energy of above 91 GJ. Bringing those blades to a stop must dispose of the equivalent energy of more than 44 tons of TNT.

Somehow I don't think I usually close my scissors quite that fast.
