Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

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Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by Ann » Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:46 am

Biddie67, thank you very much for your kind comment!


Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by wonderboy » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:52 pm

I'm amazed at the split, it just goes to show how hard it is to pick, i genuinly hummed and hawed over which one to pick then opted for moons and rings before saturn. lovely APOD so it is!


Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by piper » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:57 am

Guest wrote:Awesome pictures all!
APOD is the first thing that I do every day when I sign onto my computer at work.

Hehe - APOD is a normative force. I think like you - and I do like you! :ssmile:

Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by biddie67 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:37 am

Ann - wonderful reading your post! After looking over the several pictures, marveling at what science and technology have brought us, I had to vote for what the Ancients must have seen and considered in our skies - this search will surely continue for eons yet to come.

Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by Guest » Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:33 pm

Awesome pictures all!
APOD is the first thing that I do every day when I sign onto my computer at work.

Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by bystander » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:07 pm

How poetic, Ann. I follow your reasoning, although I wasn't quite as hung up on the Antennae as you. I, too, was drawn to Earth and the Milky Way. The Ghost Panel has become one of my favorite images. I voted for it.

Re: Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by Ann » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:40 pm

Sorry, Antennae!


I was going to vote for you. Really I was. You see, I have the greatest respect for people who would vote for that Saturn image, because I, too, think it is amazing that we humans have managed to send a spacecraft to Saturn that can take pictures like that one. Ah, but the image isn't in color, and you know what I think about that, don't you?

But I have the greatest respect for people who would vote for the Saturn image. I have a certain respect for people who would vote for the Sun image too, even though that one is a lot less impressive all things considered and the Sun is so unrealistically yellow. Uh. You know what I think about that, don't you?

And I can nod appreciatively when people vote for NGC 3190 too, because that is an amazing picture, courtesy of Hubble and Robert Gendler. But that galaxy has almost no star formation, and I think that is a little bit boring. You know how it is.

So I was going to vote for you! Really! You are so flamboyant. So... curvacious. So pink and blue and yellow! So bursting with energy! So shrimp-scrumptious! So tail-icious!

So I was going to vote for you. Really, I was. But then the two Earthly starry landscapes insinuated themselves with me, and I...was tempted. I... tasted their earthy splendor. Their serenity, their majesty. The earth and the sky, the soil and the stars. The cliffs so near and smooth, so inviting to be touched, and the stars just next to them, so incomparably far away. How magnificent! I... fell. I voted for them! Forgive me, Antennae, I betrayed you!


Poll: Astronomy Picture of the Month for May 2010

by owlice » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:33 pm


Please cast your vote for the Astronomy Picture of the Month (image and text) for May, 2010.

All images are clickable and link to the original APOD page.

Thank you!


<- Poll: APOM for April

Spiral Galaxy NGC 3190 Almost Sideways, May 3

The Antennae, May 7

Iguaçu Starry Night, May 14

Ghost Panel and Milky Way, May 19

Station and Shuttle Transit the Sun, May 23

Moons and Rings Before Saturn, May 31
