"The new ring is canted 27 degrees from the main ring plane and is in a retrograde orbit around the giant gas planet. It is also quite large. As Anne Verbiscer from the University of Virginia commented: "This is one supersized ring. If you could see the ring, it would span the width of two full moons' worth of sky, one on either side of Saturn."
The vast belt of material ends at 18 million kilometers from the planet and is 12 million kilometers wide. It is also much thicker than the main rings: 2.5 million kilometers from top to bottom. The thickness measurement is an approximation, since the ring is so diffuse. "
Saturn the planet by contrast is 120,500 km in diameter and its rings are about 240,000 km in diameter, which makes Saturn the planet and its rings quite small compared to this newly discovered supersize me ring !
Seeing as how Saturn has, at latest count, 61 Moons, it is almost a 'solar system' unto itself !
I would lay odds that Saturn's electrical field and its interaction with the solar wind has something to do with this newly discovered 'plasma ring' !
It must be plasma, because it is 'glowing' in the infrared ! It also must have an electrical energy input in order to glow in the infrared.
Our task is to determine the electrical circuit that the Sun, Saturn, and the giant infrared glowing ring around Saturn, are making and why.
[On and edit]: Thanks Star*Hopper for the article link:
http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009 ... ntring.htm
"Spitzer's infrared eyes were able to spot the glow of the cool dust, which has a temperature of only about 80 Kelvin (minus 316 degrees Fahrenheit)."
? Would dust grain absorption of solar energy radiations be sufficient to account for an 80-K temperature of themselves, considering any ability they have to reradiate any energy ?
[additional edit]: The Variable Rotation Period of the Inner Region of Saturn’s Plasma Disk - 2007
D. A. Gurnett,1 A. M. Persoon,1 W. S. Kurth,1 J. B. Groene,1 T. F. Averkamp,1
M. K. Dougherty,2 D. J. Southwood2,3
We show that the plasma and magnetic fields in the inner region of Saturn’s plasma disk rotate
in synchronism with the time-variable modulation period of Saturn’s kilometric radio emission.
This relation suggests that the radio modulation has its origins in the inner region of the plasma
disk, most likely from a centrifugally driven convective instability and an associated plasma outflow
that slowly slips in phase relative to Saturn’s internal rotation. The slippage rate is determined
by the electrodynamic coupling of the plasma disk to Saturn and by the drag force exerted by its
interaction with the Enceladus neutral gas torus.
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/a ... 7/4429/407
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"The new ring is canted 27 degrees from the main ring plane and is in a retrograde orbit around the giant gas planet. It is also quite large. As Anne Verbiscer from the University of Virginia commented: "This is one supersized ring. If you could see the ring, it would span the width of two full moons' worth of sky, one on either side of Saturn."
The vast belt of material ends at 18 million kilometers from the planet and is 12 million kilometers wide. It is also much thicker than the main rings: 2.5 million kilometers from top to bottom. The thickness measurement is an approximation, since the ring is so diffuse. "
Saturn the planet by contrast is 120,500 km in diameter and its rings are about 240,000 km in diameter, which makes Saturn the planet and its rings quite small compared to this newly discovered supersize me ring !
Seeing as how Saturn has, at latest count, 61 Moons, it is almost a 'solar system' unto itself !
I would lay odds that Saturn's electrical field and its interaction with the solar wind has something to do with this newly discovered 'plasma ring' !
It must be plasma, because it is 'glowing' in the infrared ! It also must have an electrical energy input in order to glow in the infrared.
Our task is to determine the electrical circuit that the Sun, Saturn, and the giant infrared glowing ring around Saturn, are making and why.
[On and edit]: Thanks Star*Hopper for the article link: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009 ... ntring.htm
"Spitzer's infrared eyes were able to spot the glow of the cool dust, which has a temperature of only about 80 Kelvin (minus 316 degrees Fahrenheit)."
? Would dust grain absorption of solar energy radiations be sufficient to account for an 80-K temperature of themselves, considering any ability they have to reradiate any energy ?
[additional edit]: The Variable Rotation Period of the Inner Region of Saturn’s Plasma Disk - 2007
D. A. Gurnett,1 A. M. Persoon,1 W. S. Kurth,1 J. B. Groene,1 T. F. Averkamp,1
M. K. Dougherty,2 D. J. Southwood2,3
We show that the plasma and magnetic fields in the inner region of Saturn’s plasma disk rotate
in synchronism with the time-variable modulation period of Saturn’s kilometric radio emission.
This relation suggests that the radio modulation has its origins in the inner region of the plasma
disk, most likely from a centrifugally driven convective instability and an associated plasma outflow
that slowly slips in phase relative to Saturn’s internal rotation. The slippage rate is determined
by the electrodynamic coupling of the plasma disk to Saturn and by the drag force exerted by its
interaction with the Enceladus neutral gas torus.
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